CSBG-DCL-2023-18 Regional Quarterly Call Schedule FY2024

Publication Date: September 22, 2023
Current as of:

Community Services Block Grant

Dear Colleague Letter

DCL#: CSBG-DCL-2023-18

DATE: September 22, 2023

TO: CSBG States, Tribes, and Territories 

SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2024 Regional Quarterly Call Schedule


Dear Colleague,

The Office of Community Services (OCS) Division of Community Assistance (DCA) is informing Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) State, Tribal, and Territory Administrators of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Regional Quarterly Call Schedule. Quarterly Calls provide an opportunity for peer-to-peer learning, regional collaboration, and informational exchanges between the federal office and CSBG grant recipients. In addition to states, tribes, and territories in the regions, DCA strongly encourages Regional Performance and Innovation Consortium (RPICs) to attend the applicable Quarterly Calls. 

Quarterly Calls for Quarter One (1) will be held October 31 through November 9, 2023. Invitations and the Quarter one (1) Quarterly Calls agenda will be sent to CSBG state offices, territories, tribes and tribal organizations, and RPICs one week prior to each call. The Quarterly Call schedule details are below:


Time (ET)

Quarter 1

Quarter 2 

Quarter 3

Quarter 4


10:00 — 11:00 a.m. ET

November 9

January 11

April 11

July 11


10:00 — 11:00 a.m. ET

October 31

January 9

April 9

July 9


10:00 — 11:00 a.m. ET

November 2

January 18

April 18

July 18


10:00 — 11:00 a.m. ET

November 7

January 16

April 16

July 16


1:00 — 2:00 p.m. ET

November 6

January 8

April 8

July 8


1:00 — 2:00 p.m. ET

November 9

January 11

April 11

July 11


3:00 — 4:00 p.m. ET

November 2

January 18

April 18

July 18


3:00 — 4:00 p.m. ET

November 1

January 17

April 17

July 17


3:00 — 4:00 p.m. ET

November 9

January 11

April 11

July 11


3:00 — 4:00 p.m. ET

November 7

January 9

April 9

July 9

Program Specialists are available for one-on-one training and technical assistance with CSBG grant recipients to address the individual needs of the CSBG Administrators. Please contact your assigned Program Specialist to schedule a mutually agreed upon time to accommodate this commitment to individualized technical assistance. We believe these touch points will contribute to CSBG administrators’ readiness to reach your PEAAK (Performance, Evaluation, Accountability, Accessibility, and Knowledge.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing this regional model as a tool for strengthening regional networking and lifting voices from the field for the purpose of enhancing service delivery and ensuring the programs we administer are of the highest quality.

Charisse Johnson
Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services