CSBG DCL Annual Report - Module 3 Staged Implementation
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Community Services
Division of Community Assistance
330 C Street, SW, 5th Floor
Mail Room 5425
Washington, D.C. 20201
Community Services Block Grant
Dear Colleague Letter
Re: CSBG Annual Report - Module 3 Stage Implementation
Date: April 6, 2018
Dear Colleagues:
On January 19, 2017, the Office of Community Services (OCS), Division of Community Assistance (DCA), released Information Memorandum (IM) 152 announcing the official release of the new CSBG Annual Report. The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Annual Report is the latest tool within the Performance Management Framework started by OCS in 2015.
The purpose of this letter is to provide an update on implementation plans for Module 3 of the Annual Report, which includes information on community level initiatives and outcomes. After considering feedback from the CSBG Network, OCS is providing additional clarification on the CSBG Annual Report implementation strategy specific to Module 3. While there are no changes planned in the overall content and data points collected, OCS will work with National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) and State CSBG Lead Agencies on a two-stage implementation process to ensure that:
- All states and CSBG eligible entities have the technological functionality for submitting Module 3; and
- Projects included in this report are focused on community-level outcomes.
This process is described briefly later in this message after key background information.
Background — CSBG Annual Report
The CSBG Annual Report serves as the post data collection to the CSBG State Plan, showing the actual data based on the proposals within the CSBG State Plan. In addition, this report will collect services, strategies, and characteristics related to individual, family, and community outcomes (National Performance Indicators [NPIs]). OCS, with the help of the CSBG Network, designed the CSBG Annual Report to have four Modules:
- Module 1: State Administration: includes information on state administration of CSBG.
- Module 2: Agency Expenditures, Capacity, and Resources: includes information on funds spent by eligible entities on the direct delivery of local services and strategies and capacity development as well as information on funding devoted to administrative costs by eligible entities.
- Module 3: Community Level: includes information on the implementation and results achieved from community-level strategies.
- Module 4: Individual and Family Level: includes information on services provided to individuals and families, demographic characteristics of people served by eligible entities, and the results of these services.
Only State CSBG Lead Agencies complete Module 1, which lead agencies submitted for the first time April 7, 2017, within the On-Line Data Collection (OLDC). Modules 2, 3, and 4 will be completed by CSBG eligible entities and are reviewed, evaluated, and analyzed by State CSBG Lead Agencies.
For the past year, OCS, with the help of NASCSP and the GrantSolutions Center of Excellence (an Administration for Children and Family technical partner), has been working on developing the technology and procedures for reporting Modules 2, 3 and 4 within the On-Line Data Collection system (OLDC). States will continue to submit Modules 1 through OLDC and will upload Modules 2 and 4 directly into OLDC on March 31, 2019. However, OCS will work with NASCSP and State CSBG Lead Agencies on a two-stage process for implementation of Module 3 as outlined below.
The Importance of Community-Level Outcome Information in Module 3
OCS is committed to ensuring that community-level outcome reports (which states will report in Module 3 of the CSBG Annual Report) will provide valuable information indicative of the work of Community Action over multiple years. A hallmark of the strengthened CSBG Performance Management Framework is an emphasis on community-level outcome information to provide more comprehensive community-level data than currently reported in the CSBG Information System (CSBG IS). The new CSBG Annual Report focuses on innovations including multi-year projects to support community-level improvements in creating opportunities for individuals and families with low-incomes. This ongoing effort is consistent with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “Reimagining HHS” priority on new innovative strategies to help Americans with low-income find gainful employment, while providing them with a sense of purpose, personal dignity, and independence.
Plan for Two-Stage Implementation of Module 3
As noted above, OCS is committed to ensuring high-quality community-level outcome information in the CSBG Annual Report process. To ensure that all Module 3 submissions submitted by CSBG eligible entities are focused on community-level outcomes with appropriate indicators, OCS will work with NASCSP and State CSBG Lead Agencies in a two-stage process.
Stage 1 - Module 3 Implementation, Review, and Technical Assistance
2019 will be a training and technical assistance year for Module 3 content (using FY 2017 data). During this year, OCS will work with NASCSP and other technical assistance partners to assure that all submissions are appropriate for inclusion in Module 3. OCS will work with NASCSP to review all submissions and provide a round of feedback to CSBG State Offices on the correctness and completeness of the Module 3 Submission. Key activities during this year include:
- Complete Submission: Any CSBG eligible entity implementing a community-level change initiative and able to complete all of Module 3 will submit a completed module for each initiative to their CSBG State Office to review and submit to OCS by March 31, 2019.
- Partial Submission: While entities are strongly encouraged to complete all of Module 3 for review, at a minimum, any CSBG eligible entity that is currently implementing a community-level change initiative, but requires additional technical assistance in the identification of appropriate outcome measures, will provide responses to questions 1-7 of the Community Initiative Status form (Section A of Module 3) by March 31, 2019.
- Review: OCS will review preliminary information received and share with the CSBG Network the range and types of community-level change initiatives implemented.
- Technical Assistance: States and eligible entities may receive additional technical assistance from NASCSP and other partners identified by OCS on whether an initiative is appropriate for inclusion in Module 3. Additional technical assistance will be available to assist in identification of potential community-level outcome measures.
Stage 2 - Full Reporting
OCS will continue to work on any technical refinements needed for building the technology to report Module 3. After the initial year of feedback:
- All CSBG eligible entities that have a community-level change initiative(s) will submit Module 3, in its entirety, through OLDC by March 31, 2020.
- OCS will work with the CSBG Network to obtain input on procedures for ongoing submission and review of multi-year initiatives.
OCS believes that Module 3 will be a critical source of information regarding the long-term progress of the CSBG Network in addressing challenging community-level issues. Therefore, OCS wants to ensure that the CSBG Network has received sufficient training and technical assistance to provide a report that reflects community level strategies and outcomes.
If you have any questions, please send them to CSBGStates@acf.hhs.gov. OCS thanks you for your continued patience and efforts during this time.
J. Janelle George Seth Hassett
Acting Director Director, Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services Office of Community Services