CSBG DCL NASCSP Release of ROMA and National Performance Indicator Documents
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Community Services
Division of State Assistance
330 C Street, SW, 5th Floor
Mail Room 5425
Washington, D.C. 20201
Community Services Block Grant
Dear Colleague Letter
Re: NASCSP Release of ROMA and National Performance Indicator Documents
Date: March 4, 2016
Dear Colleagues:
Over the last few years, the Office of Community Services (OCS) and the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Network — comprised of CSBG eligible entities, CSBG lead agencies, State Community Action Associations (CAAs), national partners, and other stakeholders — have collaborated to create a new performance management and accountability framework. This framework includes 1) organizational standards for eligible entities, 2) Federal and State accountability measures, and 3) Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) Next Generation tools and practices. Together, these elements are designed to increase accountability across all three levels of the network and enable us to make better program decisions based on data and analysis. Ultimately, this framework will help the CSBG Network generate robust results for individuals with low-incomes and the communities we serve.
On Thursday, March 3, the National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) opened its initial comment period for ROMA Next Generation information tools. ROMA Next Generation includes draft National Performance Indicators (NPIs), the National Theory of Change for Community Action, and other performance documents, tools and report guidance for the CSBG Network. NASCSP’s feedback period will be held from March 3, 2016 to April 1, 2016. The release of these documents for review is also accompanied by a comprehensive series of webinars that will provide an introduction to ROMA Next Generation and detailed information about each component. Those webinars begin on March 8, 2016. Webinar registration information is available on the NASCSP website at ROMA Next Generation . Using feedback from the Network, these draft documents and tools will be refined to prepare for submission to OCS for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Clearance Process.
Your review and feedback on the components of ROMA Next Generation is essential as we move forward. Detailed and specific comments are especially helpful at the early stages of the process to ensure the strength of this approach and to showcase the important work of community action. You may contact NASCSP staff with questions or for assistance during the Initial Comment Period at romanextgeneration2016@gmail.com. We strongly encourage the Network to review the ROMA Next Generation documents, participate in the webinar series, and provide your comments and concerns during the NASCSP feedback period.
As always, thank you for your continued partnership in this critical work.
Jeannie L. Chaffin Seth Hassett
Director Director, Division of State Assistance
Office of Community Services Office of Community Services