CSBG DCL State Plan Form Goes Live!

Publication Date: August 5, 2015
Current as of:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Community Services
Division of State Assistance
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20447


Community Services Block Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Re: CSBG State Plan Form Goes Live!

Date: August 5, 2015

Dear Colleagues:

As announced during the July 29th “Model State Plan (MSP) Submission Requirements” webinar, the Office of Management and Budget has approved the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) State Plan.  The Office of Community Services (OCS) is pleased to provide access to the State Plan through the Online Data Collection (OLDC) site located at the following link:

Technical System Training Webinar:

OCS will conduct a webinar for all CSBG State grantees on August 6, 2015 beginning at 1:00 PM EST.  The webinar will cover how to access the CSBG forms, enter State plan data, and submit the new CSBG Plan using the system.  As a reminder, instructions for how to connect to the webinar are noted below.  We strongly encourage grantees to invite all State staff that will be completing the CSBG State Plan in OLDC to participate in this webinar before using the system for the first time.  This webinar will also be recorded and made available online after the event.  Previous webinars and other OLDC resources can be found on the On-Line Data Collection Documentation page or the National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) website, as linked below:

Previous OLDC Webinars and Resources:

Scheduled Webinars and Resources:

Webinar:   CSBG Model State Plan Technical System Training
Date:          Thursday, August 6, 1:00 ET to 2:30 ET
Purpose:   To provide CSBG State and Territory grantees with technical training on the new Model State Plan online system, the Online Data Collection (OLDC) system

To join the training:

Step 1: Join the Adobe Connect (Online) Meeting


  • Select the radio button Enter as a Guest
  • Enter your name
  • Click the Enter Room button

Step 2:   Conference Phone Number

Dial: 800-369-1850
Passcode: 5594393

For your convenience, attached in document format is a listing of questions and responses reviewed during the July 29th “Model State Plan (MSP) Submission Requirements” webinar.  This can also be accessed through the On-Line Data Collection Documentation page on the OLDC site.

Fiscal Year (FY) ’16 Submission of Form SF- 424M:

In FY15, all CSBG grantees were required to submit the SF-424M through the OLDC system.  While this standard form remains a CSBG application requirement, OCS has now integrated the SF-424M into the State Plan form as the Cover Page.  Grantees must complete the Cover Page (SF-424M) before proceeding to enter State plan data.  The attached Quick Sheet reference on the Cover Page will be available to grantees online and discussed in tomorrow’s webinar.  When reviewing, please carefully note the Plan Selection options (new one-year plan, new two-year plan, or two-year plan update) as it relates to selections within the cover page.

Additional information on the application process can be found in CSBG IM #141 Application for FY 2016 Funds for States and Territories.

OLDC Support:

OCS is committed to providing the needed resources and support to State grantees in the use of OLDC for FY’16 plan submissions.  With any new web-based systems and processes, there is an expectation of some minor technical issues and a number of user questions and concerns.  While the OLDC Help Desk remains available to all OLDC users, OCS has worked to ensure that States have access to a knowledgeable and responsive person to address your technical questions and OLDC concerns.  Please submit any technical questions or concerns regarding OLDC to Niki Frazier; Nikita.Frazier@acf.hhs.gov or Monique Alcantara, Melania.Alcantara@acf.hhs.gov.

We look forward to your participation in tomorrow’s OLDC training webinar and to working together to have a successful launch of our new CSBG automated State Plan application process.

Jeannie L. Chaffin                                                                                            Seth Hassett
Director                                                                                                            Director, Division of State Assistance
Office of Community Services                                                                          Office of Community Services
