CSBG-DCL-2020-11 Funding Allocation and Release Update FY 2020
Dear Colleagues,
The purpose of this message is to provide an update on the allocations of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 CSBG.
On November 20, 2019, the President signed the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2020, and Further Health Extenders Act of 2019, P.L. 116-69, allocating CSBG funds through December 20, 2019. A full appropriation for the remainder of 2020 was signed into law on December 20, 2020. This additional appropriation funds the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) at $740 million, an increase of $15 million in the appropriation for CSBG over the prior year.
However, please note that the first quarter funding for CSBG does not yet reflect the increased funding level. OCS received its full first quarter funding (i.e. through December 31, 2019) prior to the apportionment of the full year funding. The Office of Community Services (OCS) is currently working with our internal offices on the release the remaining FY2020 funds. To reduce administrative burden and allow states and eligible entities to plan and obligate funds for the remainder of the fiscal year, OCS intends to release all remaining funds for FY 2020 in one lump sum, rather than a quarterly basis. We will provide an update and full-year allocation table as soon as this process has been completed.
Thank you for your attention and OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high quality services to OCS grantees.
J. Janelle George
Acting Deputy Director
Office of Community Services