CSBG IM #108 Application for FY 2009 Funds (States and Territories)
Transmittal No. 108 |
Date: June 10, 2008 |
TO: |
States and U.S. Territories |
Application for Fiscal Year 2009 Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) Funds Based on the Availability of Funds |
To inform States and U.S. Territories of the CSBG application requirements for FY 2009. CSBG applications shall be submitted to the Office of Community Services by September 1, 2008. (If you did not submit an application which covered two fiscal years in the prior year.) |
There is increased focus on outcome performance measurement, fiscal accountability, monitoring, reporting, training and technical assistance, collaborative work with faith-based organizations and coordination of private/public resources. These are requirements and responsibilities for States, eligible entities and the Federal Government.
States and Territories have the option of submitting CSBG applications annually or bi-annually (plans may cover one or two fiscal years) either in electronic versions or official paper copy. Electronic versions may be that of a floppy disk, CD-Rom, or Zip-Disk. Use of electronic versions will require a separate submittal of the lead agency designee original signature and certification page. |
A complete CSBG application includes: (1) specific assurances certified by the designee of the lead agency; (2) a narrative State plan; (3) evidence that legislative and public hearing requirements were met; (4) an Annual report; and (5) several administrative certifications. |
(1) Each application shall contain assurances and certifications by the designee of the lead agency. Assurances should contain the language precisely as it appears in subsections 676(b)(1) through 676(b)(13) of the CSBG Act. Certifications must show original signatures. (3) State CSBG Plan Guide Please review the State plan to ensure that all of the required assurances are addressed in the outline format provided. Do not assume that any assurance is self-explanatory. Annual Reports must be submitted by March 31, 2009 for FY 2008 activities. The Annual Report is a narrative description of how the State and the local eligible entity met its goals and objectives and information on the types of projects supported with FY 2008 CSBG funds. Annual reports must contain performance measurement outcome data which address the implementation of the national goals and measures. We recognize that many State programs have different program years; however, to the extent possible, reports should address the use and distribution of the FY 2008 allocation (CSBG grant awards received October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008). The report should cover 12 months based on the most recent program year. The Annual Report shall contain: information on the measured performance of the State and eligible entities in promoting self-sufficiency, family stability, and community revitalization; an accounting of the expenditure of CSBG funds, including those funds spent on administrative costs by the State and eligible entities; an accounting of funds spent by the eligible entities on the direct delivery of local services; information on the number of and characteristics of CSBG clients based on data collected from the eligible entities; a summary of training and technical assistance offered by the State to eligible entities to correct deficiencies; and, summaries of the planned and actual uses of CSBG funds. (5) Administrative Requirements — Please indicate the date of the last audit undertaken and the period for which the audit covers in compliance with the Single Audit Act. Include the required certifications regarding Anti-Lobbying, Drug Abuse, Debarment and Suspension and the Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994, P.L. 103-227. |
The following additional information should be useful in the development of your application: |
Waivers — OCS must approve waivers, in writing, before block grant funds can be used for construction purposes (reference Section 680 of the CSBG Act). If a State anticipates the need for a waiver, it may submit a waiver request as a separate part of the FY 2009 application. Waiver requests must be submitted to OCS by the State. If you anticipate the need for a waiver request, such request should address the requirements referenced in Section 678F of the CSBG Act. Collaboration with Faith-Based Organizations — Section 679. Operational Rule. (a) Religious Organizations Included as Nongovernmental Providers. — For any program carried out by the Federal Government, or by a State or local government under this subtitle, the government shall consider, on the same basis as other non-governmental organizations, religious organizations to provide the assistance under the program, so long as the program is implemented in a manner consistent with the Establishment Clause of the first amendment of the Constitution. Neither the Federal Government nor a State or local government receiving funds under this subtitle shall discriminate against an organization that provides assistance under, or applies to provide assistance under, this subtitle, on the basis that the organization has a religious character. (b) Religious Character and Independence.
(c) Limitations on Use of Funds for Certain Purposes. — (d) Fiscal Accountability. —
Applications should be mailed to:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Community Services
Division of State Assistance
Attention: Community Services Block Grant Program
370 L'Enfant Promenade S.W., 5th Floor West
Washington, D.C. 20447
Please send an original and one copy of the State’s FY 2009 CSBG application. Current program and fiscal staff contact information should be included with the State application. If you need additional information, contact your assigned Office of Community Services’ CSBG Program Manager. A list is attached which identifies your OCS contact person and the respective telephone number.
Josephine B. Robinson
Office of Community Services
- CSBG Program Specialist Listing