CSBG IM #125 Application for FY 2012 Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) Funds
Based on the Availability of CSBG Funds
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Transmittal No. 125 |
Date: June 20, 2011 |
TO: |
States and U.S. Territories |
Application for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) Funds Based on the Availability of CSBG Funds |
Community Services Block Grant Act, Title VI, Subtitle B, of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, as amended; Human Services Amendments of 1994, P.L.103-252; the FY 1996 CSBG Appropriation Legislation, P.L.104-134; C.F.R. Title 45, Part 96; Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998, P. L. 105-285, Department of Health and Human Services Block Grant Regulations and Current Poverty Income Guidelines. |
To inform States and U.S. Territories of the CSBG application requirements for FY 2012. CSBG applications shall be submitted to the Office of Community Services (OCS) by September 1, 2011 if an application which covered two fiscal years was not submitted in the prior year. |
There is increased focus on outcome performance measurement, fiscal accountability, monitoring, reporting, training and technical assistance, collaborative work with faith-based organizations and coordination of private/public resources. These are requirements and responsibilities for States, eligible entities and the Federal Government. States and Territories have the option of submitting CSBG applications annually or bi-annually (plans may cover one or two fiscal years) either in electronic versions or official paper copy. Electronic versions may be that of a CD-Rom, Zip-Disk or PDF. Use of electronic versions will require a separate submittal of the lead agency designee original signature and certification pages |
OCS accepts CSBG applications based solely on the determination that the application is complete. A complete CSBG application includes: (1) specific assurances certified by the designee of the lead agency; (2) a narrative State plan; (3) evidence that legislative and public hearing requirements were met; (4) an Annual Report; and (5) several administrative certifications.
The following additional information should be useful in the development of your application: Waivers — OCS must approve waivers, in writing, before block grant funds can be used for construction purposes (reference Section 678F(a)(2) of the CSBG Act). If a State anticipates the need for a waiver, a waiver request may be submitted as a separate part of the FY 2012 application. Waiver requests must be submitted to OCS by the State. If you anticipate the need for a waiver request, such requests should address the requirements referenced in Section 678F(a)(2) of the CSBG Act and OCS Information Memorandum #60 dated February 6, 2002. Proportionate Share of Funding — States are required to provide each eligible entity, currently in good standing within the State, its proportionate share of any CSBG funding received by the State. A decision by a State not to provide a proportionate share in funding to an eligible entity will be considered as a reduction of funding under Sections 676(b)(8) and 678C of the CSBG Act and subject to the notice and hearing requirements set forth therein. Collaboration with Faith-Based Organizations — Section 679. Operational Rule.
1.In General. — A religious organization that provides assistance under a program described in subsection (a) shall retain its religious character and control over the definition, development, practice, and expression of its religious beliefs. 2.Additional Safeguards. — Neither the Federal Government nor a State or a local government shall require a religious organization-- (a)To alter its form of internal governance, except (for purposes of administration of the community services block grant program) as provided in section 676B; or 3.Employment Practices. — A religious organization's exemption provided under section 702 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-1) regarding employment practices shall not be affected by its participation in, or receipt of funds from, program described in subsection (a). (c) Limitations on Use of Funds for Certain Purposes. — No funds provided directly to a religious organization to provide assistance under any program described in subsection (a) shall be expended for sectarian worship, instruction, or proselytization.
(e) Treatment of Eligible Entities and Other Intermediate Organizations. — If an eligible entity or other organization (referred to in this subsection as an 'intermediate organization'), acting under a contract, or grant or other agreement, with the Federal Government or a State or local government, is given the authority under the contract or agreement to select nongovernmental organizations to provide assistance under the programs described in subsection (a), the intermediate organization shall have the same duties under this section as the government." Applications should be mailed to: Department of Health and Human Services If providing an official paper copy, please send an original of the State’s FY 2012 CSBG application. Electronic versions may be that of a CD-Rom, Zip-Disk or PDF. Use of electronic versions will require a separate submittal of the lead agency designee original signature and certification pages.
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