CSBG IM #142 Monitoring Schedule FY 2015
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Community Services
Division of State Assistance
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20447
Information Memorandum
Transmittal No. 142
Date: August 20, 2015
TO: State Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Lead Agencies
SUBJECT: CSBG State Assessment Schedule: Fiscal Year (FY) 2015
RELATED REFERENCES: Community Services Block Grant Act, Title VI, Subtitle B, of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, as amended (The CSBG Act)
PURPOSE: To Inform State CSBG Lead Agencies of the CSBG State Assessment Schedule for FY 2015
Each year, the Office of Community Services (OCS) conducts standard State assessment reviews as required under Section 678B(c) of the CSBG Act. Below is the FY 2015 State assessment schedule:
Fiscal Year 2015 — State Assessment Schedule
State |
Evaluation # |
Type |
Date |
District of Columbia |
2015-01 |
On-Site |
*March, 2015 |
Georgia |
2015-02 |
On-Site |
*April, 2015 |
Virginia |
2015-03 |
On-Site |
*May, 2015 |
Mississippi |
2015-05 |
On-Site |
*August , 2015 |
Idaho |
2015-04 |
On-Site |
September, 2015 |
South Carolina |
2015-06 |
On-Site |
* As noted most of the FY 2015 State Assessment have already been completed. This document is being provided for your information and reference.
State assessments follow a standard monitoring protocol addressing administrative, programmatic, and fiscal compliance with CSBG Act requirements. The standard monitoring checklist for the comprehensive State assessment review is available on the OCS web site:
/sites/default/files/ocs/im_no_102_csbg_monito... (PDF)
In prior years, OCS issued triennial plans listing the State assessments for a period of three years. However, in May 5, 2014, OCS published a State assessment schedule for a single fiscal year (CSBG Information Memorandum #134). Again, we are providing the State assessment schedule for a single fiscal year (FY 2015) to allow OCS to be more responsive to the challenges in the administration of the CSBG.
State Assessment Selection Process
OCS State assessment selection process is based on four criteria, which rank and prioritize data and information from the State and eligible entities to determine which States would receive the most benefit from a State assessment review. Within each of the criteria are factors specific to statutory and Federal requirements governing the administration and accountability of CSBG funds.
The following criteria were considered:
• Criteria 1: States that have never been reviewed by OCS or significant time has elapsed since the State was last reviewed. States that have never been reviewed are given a high priority score.
• Criteria 2: Analysis of routinely available program monitoring information. These may include unresolved findings noted in previous State assessment reports, turnover in State CSBG staff, negative OIG findings for the State or its eligible entities, revocation of Federal funding for other programs at eligible entities, and complaints received by DSA.
• Criteria 3: CSBG funding allocation per State.
• Criteria 4: Analysis of past findings as reported in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 single audit requirements. This includes a trend analysis of all CSBG findings reported in the State, eligible entities, and sub-recipients if applicable.
If you have questions regarding the schedule, please contact David Barrie, Chief, Financial Operations Branch, Division of State Assistance (DSA), on (202) 401-3589 or at David.Barrie@acf.hhs.gov .
Jeannie L. Chaffin
Office of Community Services
- PDF im_142_csbg_monitoring_schedule_fy2015.pdf (40.61 KB)