CSBG IM #51 Special State Technical Assistance

Publication Date: June 12, 2012
Current as of:

Transmittal No.51

Date: April 27, 2001








State Community Services Block Grant Program Officials








Special State Technical Assistance








This Information Memorandum is to inform you of the new special technical assistance funding program that was initiated last year by the Office of Community Services (OCS). The purpose of the program is to provide training and technical assistance resources to States to assist them in carrying out corrective action activities for at-risk agencies.








Under the Community Services Block Grant Act, states are required to determine whether eligible entities meet the performance goals, administrative standards, financial management obligations and other requirements of the states. In addition, the CSBG Act stipulates that states conduct regular, on-site reviews of eligible entities. When a state determines that an eligible entity has a deficiency that must be corrected, the CSBG legislation mandates that the state offer an eligible entity training and technical assistance (T&TA;) if appropriate, to help to correct such a deficiency. States may support this T&TA; with the CSBG funds remaining after it is has made grants to eligible entities. However, OCS recognizes that in some instances, the problem to be addressed may be of such a complex or pervasive nature that it cannot be adequately addressed with the resources available to the State CSBG Administrator.
As stated before, the purpose of the Special State Technical Assistance funding is to support interventions in cases where an eligible entity is in a crisis situation. The goal of this T&TA; funding is to preclude the need for termination hearings and proceedings by stabilizing eligible entities in crises and correcting programmatic deficiencies. The CSBG legislation mandates that states provide training and technical assistance prior to any termination procedures. It also requires states to carry out corrective activities and to monitor all eligible entities at least every three years.








Applications for funding, under this special announcement, may be submitted at any time prior to June 29, 2001. Applications should include the following: a description of the major problems necessitating the need for assistance, identification of who will provide the technical assistance, an agreed-upon timetable for assistance, and an abstract which summarizes the project. Technical assistance may be provided by such sources as peer-to-peer trainers, the state, outside consultants or through a workplan. The agreed-upon timetable for assistance should spell out the significant and beneficial impact to the at-risk entity.
Since the CSBG Act mandates that the Secretary assist states in carrying out activities to address corrective action, states submitting applications under this Special Announcement will not be competing with other states for funding contingent on the availability of funds, this initiative will be a 18 month initiative. The total amount of funds for Special State Technical Assistance is $375,000. OCS intends to fund approximately 20 grants. Only one grant per State will be made.








OCS will review each application based on the review criteria continued in the attached document.








Comments and inquiries may be sent to:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Division of State Assistance
370 L'Enfant Plaza Promenade SW
Washington, D. C. 20447
Telephone: (202) 401-9343
See Application Procedures for submitting applications.








Required forms, Instructions and Review Criteria












Robert Mott
Acting Director
Office of Community Services



- Application Procedures

(not posted)

- Review Criteria

(not posted)

- Contents of Application and Receipt Process

(not posted)

- Instructions


- Post Award Information and Reporting Instructions


- Special State TA Funding Attachments

(not posted)

- DHHS Regulations Applicable to Grants



Instructions for Completing Application Package

(Approved by the OMB under Control Number 0970-0062)

The standard forms attached to this Announcement shall be used when submitting applications for all funds under this Announcement.

It is recommended that the applicant reproduce the SF-424, (Attachment A), SF-424A (Attachment B), SF-424B (Attachment C) and that the application be typed on the copies. If an item on the SF-424 cannot be answered or does not appear to be related or relevant to the assistance requested, the applicant should write "NA" for "Not Applicable."

The application should be prepared in accordance with the standard instructions in Attachments A and B corresponding to the forms, as well as the specific instructions set forth below:

  1. SF-424 "Application for Federal Assistance" Item

For the purposes of this Special Training and Technical Assistance, all projects are considered "Applications"; there are no "Pre-Applications."

5/6. The legal name of the applicant must match that listed as corresponding to the Employer Identification Number. Where the applicant is a previous Department of Health and Human Services grantee, enter the Central Registry System Employee Identification Number (CRS/EIN) and the Payment Identifying Number, if one has been assigned, in the Block entitled "Federal Identifier" located at the top right hand corner of the form.

7. Enter N/A.

8. For the purposes of this Information Memorandum, all applications are "New".

9. Enter "DHHS-ACF/OCS".

10. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number is "93.570".

11. In addition to a brief descriptive title of the project, Special State Technical Assistance, include the Priority Area "ST.3.1".

15a. This amount should reflect the amount requested for the entire project period.

15b-e. These items should reflect both cash and third party in-kind contributions for the total project period.

  1. SF-424A - "Budget Information-Non-Construction Programs"

See instructions accompanying this page as well as the instructions set forth below:

In completing these sections, the "Federal Funds" budget entries will relate to the requested OCS Training and Technical Assistance Program funds only, and "Non-Federal" will include mobilized funds from all other sources - applicants, State, and other. Federal funds, other than those requested from the Training and Technical Assistance Program should be included in "Non-Federal" entries.

Sections A and D of SF-424A must contain entries for both Federal (OCS) and non-Federal (mobilized funds).

Section A - Budget Summary

Line 1-4
Col. (a):
Line 1 Enter "OCS Special Training and Technical Assistance Program";
Col. (b):

Line 1 Enter "93.570".
Col. (c) and (d): Not Applicable
Col. (e) - (g):
For each line 1-4, enter in columns (e), (f) and (g) the appropriate amounts needed to support the project for the entire project period.

Line 5 Enter the figures from Line 1 for all columns completed, (e), (f), and (g).

Section B - Budget Categories

This section should contain entries for OCS funds only. For all projects, the first budget period of 18 months will be entered in Column #1. Allowability of costs is governed by applicable cost principles set forth in 45 CFR Parts 74 and 92.

A separate itemized budget justification should be included to explain fully and justify major items, as indicated below. The budget justification should immediately follow the Table of Contents.

Column 5: Enter total requirements for Federal funds by the Object Class Categories of this section.

Line 6a-Personnel: Enter the total costs of salaries and wages.

Justification: Identify the project director. Specify by title or name the percentage of time allocated to the project, the individual annual salaries and the cost to the project (both Federal and non-Federal) of the organization's staff who will be working on the project.

Enter the total costs of fringe benefits, unless treated as part of an approved indirect cost rate that is entered on line 6j.

Justification: Enter the total costs of fringe benefits, unless treated as part of an approved indirect cost rate.

Line 6c-Travel: Enter total cost of all travel by employees of the project. Do not enter costs for consultant's travel.

Justification: Include the name(s) of traveler(s), total number of trips, destinations, length of stay, mileage rate, transportation costs and subsistence allowances.

Line 6d-Equipment: Enter the total costs of all non-expendable personal property to be acquired by the project. Equipment means tangible non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.

Justification: Equipment to be purchased with Federal funds must be required to conduct the project, and the applicant organization or its subgrantees must not already have the equipment or a reasonable facsimile available to the project. The justification also must contain plans for future use or disposal of the equipment after the project ends.

Line 6e-Supplies: Enter the total costs of all tangible personal property (surplus) other than that included on line 6d.

Line 6h-Other: Enter the total of all other costs. Such costs, where applicable, may include, but are not limited to, insurance, food, medical and dental costs (noncontractual), fees and travel paid directly to individual consultants, local transportation (all travel which does not require per diem is considered local travel), space and equipment rentals, printing and publication, computer use training costs including tuition and stipends, training service costs including wage payments to individuals and supportive service payments, and staff development costs.

Line 7-Program Income: Enter the estimated amount of income, if any expected to be generated from this project. Separately show expected program income generated from OCS support and income generated from other mobilized funds. Do not add or subtract

this amount from the budget total. Show the nature and source of income in the program narrative statement.

Column 5: Carry totals from Column 1 to Column 5 for all line items.

Justification: Describe the nature, source and anticipated use of program income in the Program Narrative Statement.

Section C - Non-Federal Resources

This section is to record the amounts of "Non-Federal" resources that will be used to support the project. "Non-Federal" resources mean other than OCS funds for which the applicant has received a commitment. Provide a brief explanation, on a separate sheet, showing the type of contribution, broken out by Object Class Category, (See Section B.6) and whether it is cash or third party in-kind. The firm commitment of these required funds must be documented and submitted with the application.

Except in unusual situations, this documentation must be in the form of letters of commitment or letters of intent from the organization(s)/individuals from which funds will be received.

Line 8:

Col. (a): Enter the project title.
Col. (b): Enter the amount of cash or donations to be made by the applicant.
Col. (c): Enter the State contribution.
Col. (d): Enter the amount of cash and third party in-kind contributions to be made from all other sources.
Col. (e): Enter the total of column (b), (c), and (d). Lines 9, 10, and 11 should be left blank.

Line 12: Carry the total of each column of Line 8, (b) through (e). The amount in Column (e) should be equal to the amount on Section A, Line 5, Column (f).

Justification: Describe third party in-kind contributions, if included.

Section D - Forecasted Cash Needs

Line 13: Enter the amount of Federal (OCS) cash needed for this grant, by quarter, during the first 12-month budget period.
Line 14: Enter the amount of cash from all other sources needed by quarter during the first year.
Line 15: Enter the total of Lines 13 and 14.

Section F - Other Budget Information

Line 21: Include narrative justification required under Section B for each object class category for the total project period.
Line 22: Not applicable to States.
Line 23: Provide any other explanations and continuation sheets required or deemed necessary to justify or explain the budget information.

  1. SF-424B "Assurances Non-Construction"

All applicants must sign and return the "Assurances" found with the application.

  1. Project Narrative

Each narrative section of the application must address one or more of the focus areas described in the section entitled, "Content of Application and Receipt Process" and follow the format outlined below:

  1. Need for Assistance
  2. Work Program
  3. Significant and Beneficial Impact
  4. Evidence of Significant Collaborations
  5. Ability of the Applicant to Perform




Following approval of the applications selected for funding, notice of project approval and authority to draw down project funds will be made in writing. The official award document is the Financial Assistance Award, which provides the amount of Federal funds approved for use in the project, the project and budget periods for which support is provided, the terms and conditions of the award, and the total project period for which support is contemplated.

In addition to the standard terms and conditions which will be applicable to grants, grantee will be subject to the provisions of 45 CFR Parts 74 (non-governmental) and 92 (governmental) and OMB Circular and A-87.

Grantees will be required to submit semi-annual program progress and financial reports (SF-269), as well as a final progress and financial report.

Grantees are subject to the audit requirements in 45 CFR Parts 74 (non-governmental) and 92 (governmental) and OMB Circular A-133.

Section 319 of Public Law 101-121, signed into law on October 23, 1989 imposes prohibitions and requirements for disclosure and certification related to lobbying on recipients of Federal contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and loans. It provides exemptions for Indian tribes and tribal organizations. Current and prospective recipients (and their sub-tier contractors and/or grantees) are prohibited from using Federal funds, other than profits from a Federal contract, for lobbying Congress or any Federal agency in connection with the award of a contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or loan. In addition, for each award action in excess of $100,000 (or $150,000 for loans) the law requires recipients and their sub-tier contractors and/or sub-grantees (1) to certify that they have neither used nor will use any appropriated funds for payment to lobbyists, (2) to disclose the name, address, payment details, and purpose of any agreements with lobbyists whom recipients or their sub-tier contractors or sub-grantee will pay with profits or non-appropriated funds on or after December 22, 1989, and (3) to file quarterly up-dates about the use of lobbyists if material changes occur in their use. The law establishes civil penalties for noncompliance. Required Certification and Disclosure forms to be submitted with your application are attached.

Public Law 103-227, Part C. Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (Act), requires that smoking not be permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted for by an entity and used routinely or regularly for the provision of health, day care, education, or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded by Federal programs either directly or through States or local governmental by Federal grant, contract, loan or loan guarantee. The law does not apply to facilities funded solely by Medicare of Medicaid funds, and portions of facilities used for in-patient drug or alcohol treatment. Failure to comply with the provisions of the law may result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty of up to $1,000 per day and/or the imposition of an administrative compliance order on the responsible entity.

By signing and submitting this application the applicant/grantee certifies that it will comply with the requirement of the Act. The applicant/grantee further agrees that it will require the language of this certification be included in any sub-awards, which contain provisions for children's services and that all sub-grantees shall certify accordingly.

Attached are the regulations, which apply to all applicants/grantees under this Special State Technical Assistance Program.



DHHS Regulations Applicable to Grants

The following DHHS regulations apply to all applicants/grantees under the Training and Technical Assistance Program

Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations:

Part 16-Procedures of the Departmental Grant Appeals Board Part 74-Administration of Grants(Non-Governmental) Part 74-Administration of Grants(State and local governments and Indian Tribal affiliates):

Section 74.26-Non-Federal Audits
Section 74.27-Allowable Costs for Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations
Section 74.90-Final Decisions in Disputes
Section 74.32-Real Property
Section 74.34-Equipment
Section 74.35-Supplies
Section 74.24-General Program Income

Part 74-20-28 Fiscal Management
Part 74-40-48 Procedure Standards
Part 74-50-53 Reports and Records
Part 75-Informal Grant Appeal Procedures
Part 76-Debarment and Suspension from Eligibility for Financial Assistance
Subpart-Drug Free Workplace Requirements
Part 80-Non-Discrimination under Programs Receiving Federal Assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Part 81-Practice and Procedures for Hearings Under Part 80 of this Title
Part 84-Non-discrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs
Part 86-Non-discrimination on the basis of sex in the admission of individuals to training programs
Part 91-Non-discrimination on the Basis of Age in Health and Human Services Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance
Part 92-Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to States and Local Governments (Federal Register, March 11, 1988)
Part 93-New Restrictions on Lobbying
Part 100-Intergovernmental Review of Department of Health and Human Services Programs and Activities