CSBG IM #65 Application for FY 2003 Funds (Tribes)
Transmittal No. 65 |
TO: |
Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations |
Application for Fiscal Year 2003 Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) Funds Based on the Availability of Funds |
Community Services Block Grant Act, Title VI, Subtitle B, of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, as amended; Human Services Amendments of 1994, P.L.103-252; the FY 1996 CSBG Appropriation Legislation, P.L.104-134; C.F.R. Title 45, Part 96; Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998, P. L. 105-285, Department of Health and Human Services Block Grant Regulations and Current Poverty Income Guidelines. |
To inform Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations of the CSBG application requirements for FY 2003. |
Indian Tribes/Tribal Organizations may apply for funding under the Community Services Block Grant Act by submitting an application that meets the requirements of Sections 676 and 677 of the Act. The Congress revised the CSBG statute through the Reauthorization Act of 1998 significantly. The Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998 created additional requirements and responsibilities for CSBG grantees and the Federal Government. There is increased focus on outcomes, accountability, monitoring and reporting. |
DUE DATE: CSBG applications for FY 2003 must be postmarked by September 1, 2002. (If you did not previously submit an application which covered two fiscal years.) Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations now have the option of submitting CSBG applications a two-year or a one-year period. A Federally or State-recognized Indian Tribe or tribal organization interested in receiving CSBG funds directly must submit an application not later than September 1, 2002. Applications postmarked later than September 1, 2002, will be ineligible for direct funding from the Office of Community Services, unless written approval has been obtained from the State Community Services Block Grant Administrator. Written approval must be submitted with any application postmarked after the September 1, 2002 due date. Late applications for Fiscal Year 2003 CSBG funds that do not contain the required written approval will be returned to you. |
A complete CSBG application should contain: (1) Specific assurances certified by the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of the Tribe/Tribal Organization, which contain the language precisely as it appears in Subsection 676(b) of the CSBG Act. Certifications must show original signatures and be signed by the CEO. If the CEO has delegated this responsibility, a written confirmation of such a delegation signed by the CEO must be submitted with the application. (2) Evidence that the Tribal CSBG Plan was made available for public review and comment in conjunction with development of the plan as required by Section 676(e)(2) of the CSBG Act.
Note: If the Tribe chooses to submit a CSBG application which covers a two-year period, the tribe will be required to submit an annual report on the use of the previous years CSBG funds in order to receive CSBG funds for the next fiscal year. The report can be in the form of a letter that outlines accomplishments contained in item number (4) above. The letter should also state that the second year plan is still applicable.
Department of Health and Human Services Please send an original and one copy of the Tribe's FY 2003 CSBG application. If you need additional information contact the CSBG Program Manager assigned to the Region/State in which the Tribe/Tribal organization is located. A list of the CSBG staff analyst is attached. |
Margaret Washnitzer, D.S.W. |