OCS DCL-2022-12 Information Regarding Medicaid and CHIP Webinar and Resources FY 2022
Dear Colleague Letter
DCL#: OCS-DCL-2022-12
DATE: May 23, 2022
TO: Office of Community Services Program Networks
SUBJECT: Information Regarding Medicaid and CHIP Webinar and Resources
ATTACHMENT(S): ACF-DCL Medicaid CHIP Unwinding FINAL; CMS Unwinding Webinar May 25, 2022; unwinding-comms-toolkit-esp-mar-2022; unwinding-comms-toolkit-mar-2022
Dear Colleagues,
OCS recently learned that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is hosting a webinar on May 25 at 12 p.m. EDT for all organizations that serve or interface with people that have health insurance through Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Attached you will find a Dear Colleague Letter which outlines actions Administration for Children and Families (ACF) grant recipients can take to help families avoid losing health care coverage. The DCL provides links to communication resources in English and Spanish, as well as registration information for a CMS webinar on May 25 at 12 p.m. EDT.
We encourage you to have at least one organizational representative participate to receive this valuable information that impacts the individuals and families we serve.
Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS partners.
Dr. Lanikque Howard
Office of Community Services
- PDF unwinding-comms-toolkit-mar-2022 (1,630.88 KB)
- PDF unwinding-comms-toolkit-esp-mar-2022 (1,961.40 KB)
- PDF CMS Unwinding Webinar May 25 2022 (950.53 KB)
- PDF ACF-DCL Medicaid CHIP Unwinding FINAL 5_20_22 (186.94 KB)
- PDF COMM_OCS_DCL-2022-12 Information Regarding Medicaid and CHIP Webinar and Resources_FY2022 (179.34 KB)