OCS DCL-2022-19 OCS Launches First-Ever Federal Diaper Distribution Pilot
Dear Colleague Letter
DCL#: OCS-DCL-2022-19
DATE: September 27, 2022
TO: OCS Grant Recipients, Partners, and Stakeholders
SUBJECT: OCS Launches First-Ever Federal Diaper Distribution Pilot
Dear Colleagues,
Today, the Office of Community Services (OCS), within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announced the launch of the Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot, also known as the Diaper Distribution Pilot. This pilot, which is administered by OCS’ Division of Community Discretionary and Demonstration Programs, provides funding to expand existing diaper distribution services through a robust network of community partners that provide anti-poverty services.
This first-ever federal diaper distribution pilot is critically important to the families and communities served by OCS programs. We know that one in three families in the United States do not have enough diapers to meet the needs of their babies and toddlers. Diapers alone can cost 8% of a person’s total income if they are making the federal minimum wage, and parents and caregivers who do not have enough diapers often cannot drop their children off at childcare. Given this, in addition to providing diapers, grant recipients and their partners — including Community Action Agencies, nonprofits, social service agencies, and diaper banks — will connect families to economic mobility and family support services such as job training, educational support, Head Start, housing services, and more.
OCS understands that the Diaper Distribution Pilot is about more than just diapers — it is about lifting a real and tangible barrier to health and well-being for low-income families, and about connecting those families with other programs that address the causes and conditions of poverty and help them take steps toward self-sufficiency.
Diaper Distribution Pilot grants were made available through a competitive process to Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) state associations, territories, and directly funded tribes. To learn more about this brand-new program and who was awarded a grant, please visit the Diaper Distribution Pilot website.
For a quick overview of this pilot, watch the Diaper Distribution Pilot animated video .
For additional updates, follow us on Twitter @OCS_ACFgov .
Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS partners.
Dr. Lanikque Howard
Office of Community Services