OCS DCL-2023-01 October is CED Month FY2023
Dear Colleague Letter
Dear Colleagues,
The Office of Community Services (OCS) will celebrate Community Economic Development Month in October 2022. Community Economic Development Month highlights community organizations’ work to expand and create businesses and job opportunities for people with low income in communities facing persistent poverty and high unemployment. This includes Community Economic Development (CED) projects developing new products, services, and commercial activities, and providing critical support services to address the employment needs of their communities. Creating sustainable development supports OCS’s mission of addressing the causes and consequences of poverty, increasing opportunity and economic security of individuals and families, and revitalizing communities.
Announcing FY 2022 New CED Awards
To launch Community Economic Development Month, OCS is excited to announce the award of $16.1 million in CED program funds to 22 new grants implementing projects across the country. These new grants will create or expand 35 businesses resulting in the creation of 630 new full-time, full year jobs in low-income communities to help improve the livelihood of those who obtain the jobs and revitalize the communities in which they are located. They will also lead to the investment of over $81 million in additional funds in communities, or $5.06 for every CED dollar, due to the CED investment.
CED projects help to address the specific needs of communities. Of the 22 new CED grant awards,
- Eight projects will create quality jobs in rural communities with high rates of poverty, unemployment, and substance use disorder.
- Three projects will support businesses and create jobs in Native American communities.
- Four projects will create jobs in counties with persistent poverty.
- Six projects will support economic revitalization in energy communities.
Celebrating CED Month
OCS thanks all of our grant recipients, partners, and stakeholders for their collective work to create resilient communities to help address the needs of our nation’s families. Check the Community Economic Development Month website throughout the month of October for new information and resources on the impact of CED on our communities, families, and people with low income.
Follow @OCS_ACFgov to join the CED month conversation! Use #CEDMonth.
CED Program Overview
The CED program is a federal grant program funding Community Development Corporations (CDCs) that addresses the economic needs of people with low income and families through the creation of sustainable business development and employment opportunities. CED-funded projects create or expand businesses, create new jobs for people with low income, and leverage public and private funding investments in communities. To learn more about the CED program, please visit the following:
- Learn more about the CED program
- Read the CED project descriptions
- See the impact of CED projects
- Find out how to participate in the CED program
Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS partners.
Dr. Lanikque Howard
Office of Community Services
- PDF COMM_OCS_DCL-2023-01 October is CED Month_FY2023 (264.98 KB)