OCS DCL-2023-08 CAM Partnering to Advance Equity FY 2023
Dear Colleague Letter
DCL#: OCS DCL-2022-08
DATE: May 9, 2023
TO: The CSBG Network
SUBJECT: Community Action Month 2023: Partnering to Advance Equity
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pride that we continue to celebrate Community Action Month and the incredible work that the Community Action Network is undertaking in every corner of the country. This week, we are amplifying the importance of partnerships to advance equity.
Breaking down silos and implementing cross-cutting initiatives to better support families is a key priority for the Office of Community Services. We know that it takes intentional, strategic and comprehensive approaches to service delivery to move historically and disproportionately underserved communities beyond poverty and into self-sufficiency. An example of this type of integrated, anti-poverty work supported by the Administration for Children and Families is the COVID-19 and Safety Net Technical Assistance Initiative (CASI).
In partnership with the ACF Office of Family Assistance, the Office of Community Services supported local CASI sites in responding to challenges that were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs developed strategic action plans to ensure pathways to prosperity for children and families. These sites advanced equity by implementing whole family approaches to service delivery that are culturally inclusive — across urban, rural, and tribal communities. We encourage you to watch and share the following five CASI Spotlight videos:
- The State of Minnesota ensures culturally relevant services for tribal households. By creating a tribal liaison role at the state office and at MAHUBE-OTWA CAA, they are working to embed equity into everyday policy and practice.
- MAHUBE-OTWA CAA centers families through a combined application and coaching model. By making the application process more seamless and by offering coaching support, MAHUBE-OTWA CAA and the State of Minnesota are ensuring families access the services for which they are eligible.
- Maricopa County CAA integrates services for rural communities. The Arizona Department of Economic Security and Maricopa County Human Services Department are finding ways to more strategically align their funding streams to better serve families, particularly in the rural community of Gila Bend.
- Hampton Roads CAP’s whole family approach increases income for many. The increased coordination across programs includes a family coaching model. Early results show that over one-fourth of households have been able to increase their income.
- Audubon Area Community Services CAA’s career coaching reduces barriers and sets families up for success. With nearly 1,500 people trained and a 96% job retention rate, find out more how you may replicate this model in your service area.
We want to take the opportunity to thank the Office of Family Assistance for partnering with us to ensure CASI sites received high-quality training and technical assistance. We also want to offer a special thank you to the following CAAs and TANF agencies that participated in CASI:
- Enrichment Services Program and Muscogee County Division of Children and Family Services in Georgia
- Hampton Roads Community Action Program and the Department of Social Services in Virginia
- Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation and the Department of Human Services in Iowa
- Southeastern North Dakota Community Action Agency, Agassiz Valley Human Service Zone, Cass County Human Service Zone, RSR Human Service Zone, and Job Service ND in North Dakota
- Maricopa County Human Services Department and the Department of Economic Security in Arizona
- Community Action Marin and Marin County Health and Human Services in California
Throughout the remainder of Community Action Month, OCS will continue to highlight the accomplishments of the Community Action Network. Check out the OCS Community Action Month page. Follow us @OCS_ACFgov
and join the conversation using hashtags #WeSeeYou and #CommunityActionWorks.
Lanikque Howard, Ph.D.
Office of Community Services
- PDF COMM_OCS_DCL-2023-08 CAM Partnering to Advance Equity_FY2023 (210.80 KB)