OCS DCL-2023-11 RCD Information and Data Dashboard

Publication Date: August 23, 2023

Office of Community Services

Dear Colleague Letter

DCL#: OCS-DCL-2023-11

DATE: August 23, 2023

TO: OCS Grant Recipients

SUBJECT: Introducing the Rural Community Development Information and Data Dashboard


Dear Colleagues,

As we observe World Water Week, we are pleased to announce the release of the first-ever Rural Community Development (RCD) Information and Data Dashboard. This new, interactive dashboard underscores the water and wastewater infrastructure needs of rural and tribal communities and highlights the success of RCD grant recipients in increasing access and affordability to water for rural and tribal communities across the United States.

Visit the RCD Information and Data Dashboard to obtain:

  • Information about the RCD program, including details about grant recipient projects and the tailored training and technical assistance they offer communities
  • National estimates of water and wastewater infrastructure needs with a focus on the experiences of rural and tribal communities
  • Data on water access, quality, and environmental burdens
  • RCD program data demonstrating how the program delivers safe and affordable water and wastewater services to communities across the country
  • Video spotlights and case studies from RCD grant recipients
  • Links to key federal resources for communities in need of help with water and wastewater infrastructure, including a map to help communities locate an RCD grant recipient in their area

Additionally, we have recorded a video tour of the dashboard to demonstrate the interactive features and how to use the tool.

We hope you will join us in celebrating World Water Week and the incredible work of RCD grant recipients in building the capacity of more than 1,400 communities to deliver safe, affordable water and wastewater services to more than 1.4 million residents.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS partners.

Dr. Lanikque Howard
Office of Community Services