OCS DCL-2025-04 OCS Celebrates One Year Anniversary of MLP+

Publication Date: December 3, 2024

Office of Community Services

Dear Colleague Letter

DCL#: OCS-DCL-2025-04

DATE: November 20, 2024

TO: OCS Grant Recipients and Stakeholders

SUBJECT: OCS Celebrates One Year Anniversary of MLP+ 

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Dear Colleagues,

 One year ago, OCS awarded the first ever cohort of grant recipients to receive funding from the Medical-Legal Partnerships Plus (MLP+) program. This was a historic moment as MLP+ was the first-ever federally funded program for medical-legal partnerships. Grounded in addressing the social determinants of health, medical-legal partnerships are multidisciplinary care teams that incorporate legal experts in healthcare settings to address the health-harming legal and social needs of individuals and families. 

OCS is excited to announce that we have provided supplemental awards to our current medical-legal partnership grant recipients. This funding will allow them to continue to enhance their capacity to provide legal services, as well as strengthen their ability to provide wraparound social services within the medical-legal partnership context by integrating a social service navigator and building relationships with community-based social service partners. 

Below are our current grant recipients and their supplement award amount: 

OrganizationSupplemental Award
Community Legal Aid Services, Inc. $200,000.00 
Center for Elder Law and Justice, Inc. $200,000.00 
Montana Legal Services Association $200,000.00 
Le Bonheur Community Health and Well-Being $200,000.00 
Yale New Haven Health Services Corporation $200,000.00 
National Nursing Centers Consortium $200,000.00 
University of Hawai'i $200,000.00 
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc. $200,000.00 

To mark the one year anniversary of MLP+, we are sharing materials that highlight the outcomes of our grant recipients over the first year of their program implementation:

  • Success Stories: Read these stories about how MLP+ grant recipients impacted individuals and families.
  • MLP+ Snapshot: Highlights staff hired as well as cases opened and closed using MLP+ grant funding in the first several months of the program. 
  • Grant Recipient Objectives, Highlights, and Outcomes: Details MLP+ grant recipient objectives, highlights, and outcomes with their specific program.
  • Animated video : For a quick overview of this program, watch the MLP+ animated video. 

You can find all these resources on the Medical-Legal Partnerships Plus website

Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high quality services to OCS partners.


Janelle George

Deputy Director

Office of Community Services