OCS DCL-2025-08 Resources for Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Office of Community Services
Dear Colleague Letter
DCL#: OCS-DCL-2025-08
DATE: January 2, 2025
TO: OCS Grant Recipients and Stakeholders
SUBJECT: Resources for Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Dear Colleagues,
In recognition of Human Trafficking Prevention Month, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF)’s Office on Tracking in Persons (OTIP) released a webpage which includes social media graphics and customizable templates to prevent human trafficking, a toolkit with guidance on messaging and fostering meaningful connections, and an interagency calendar of events.
In conjunction with this announcement, we are highlighting the events noted below. More events taking place throughout January 2025 may be added to the calendar:
- Prevention through Innovation: Novel Shelter Placement Platforms and Technology to Address Trafficking.
- Prevention through Innovation: Providing Co-located, Vital Services
In addition to events, the following publications highlight the response to Victims of Human Trafficking in Native Communities (VHT-NC) Programs:
- Conducting Culturally Responsive Evaluation Engagement with Tribal and Native Communities— This report highlights strategies such as giving back by sharing knowledge, strengths, and gifts to build trust with the community and engage in a participatory approach.
- Culturally Responsive Approaches to Anti-Human Trafficking Programming in Native Communities— This report highlights the culturally responsive approaches undertaken by award recipients through service delivery. The notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for this program encouraged recipients to implement culturally responsive and trauma-informed practices throughout development and implementation of the program.
Thank you for your attention to these matters. OCS looks forward to continuing to provide high-quality services to OCS partners.
Janelle George
Deputy Director
Office of Community Services
- PDF OCS DCL-2025-08 Resources for Human Trafficking Prevention Month (217.50 KB)