RCD IM 2018-01 Programmatic Reporting Requirements
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Community Services
Division of Community Discretionary and Demonstration Programs
330 C Street, SW, 5th Floor
Mail Room 5425
Washington, D.C. 20201
Information Memorandum 2018-01
Date: August 14, 2018
TO: Rural Community Development (RCD) Grantees
SUBJECT: Programmatic Reporting Requirements
FROM: The Office of Community Services (OCS), Division of Community Discretionary and Demonstration Programs
RELATED REFERENCES: Section 681(a) and 681(b)(2) of the Community Services Block Grant Act, as amended; the Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998 (Pub. L. 105-285)
PURPOSE: To clearly outline programmatic reporting requirements and process for grant recipients under the Rural Community Development (RCD) program
Grant recipients under the RCD program are required to submit RCD program-specific Performance Progress Reports (PPRs) on a semi-annual basis for the duration of their project period.
Grant recipients are also required to submit SF-425 Federal Financial Reports (FFRs) detailing the cash transactions made for their Federal awards through the Payment Management System (PMS). RCD grantees are required to report the cash transactions (lines 10a, b, and c on the FFR) on a quarterly basis, and the expenditures, obligations, and liquidations (lines 10d-10o on the FFR) semi-annually.
More information about reporting requirements for discretionary grants is available at: /discretionary-post-award-requirements#chapter-2.
Submission Schedule
The reporting schedule for submitting semi-annual RCD program-specific PPRs is as follows:
Semi-Annual RCD PPR Due Date | Reporting Period Dates |
April 30th | October 1st prior to March 31st current year |
October 31st | April 1st to September 29th |
Submission Process
RCD program-specific PPRs are submitted through GrantSolutions at www.grantsolutions.gov .
Steps for completing and submitting semi-annual program-specific PPR forms for RCD are as follows:
- Download the RCD program-specific PPR forms and instructions document (PDF or Word) at: /ocs/resource/rcd-performance-progress-report-....
- Review the instructions on pages 2-4. Then complete the Cover Page, Form A, and Form B. Save the file.
- Log in to GrantSolutions at www.grantsolutions.gov and navigate to your RCD grant.
- Upload the completed PPR file (PDF or Word) for the current reporting period as a Grant Note.
Report Completion Guidance
Note the following important guidance regarding completing the RCD program-specific PPR:
- Each PPR should ONLY include information on outcomes achieved during the reporting period with the support of RCD grant funds. PPRs do not report cumulative data.
- Each PPR should summarize the outcomes achieved for the grant’s entire service area. Do not submit a separate copy of the PPR for each state or community served.
- The outcomes reported in the PPR should reflect only the outcomes the grant has achieved with the support of RCD funding.
Additional Information
Additional information about the RCD program is available at: /ocs/programs/rcd.
Lynda E. Perez
Division of Community Discretionary and Demonstration Programs
Office of Community Services
Clarence Carter
Office Director
Office of Community Services
- PDF RCD Performance Progress Report Instructions (508.43 KB)
- PDF RCD IM Programmatic Reporting Requirements (178.98 KB)