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This page contains information regarding legislation for the CED program. 


The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) Legislation Social Security Act is a compilation of Social Security Laws for Title XX. These Title XX block grants provides states with social services under Subtitle A block grants that highlights the purposes of subtitle; authorization of appropriations; payments to States, allotments; state administration; limitations on use of grants; reports and audits; and additional grants.

LIHEAP Statute

July 6, 2011

LIHEAP Statute, as Amended Through August 1, 1999.

SSBG Statute and Regulations: Equal Treatment Regulations

What You Need to Know about Equal Treatment Regulations
January 9, 2008

What You Need to Know about Equal Treatment Regulations

Grantees are subject to the requirements in 45 CFR Part 74 (non-governmental) or 45 CFR Part 92 (governmental).


Public Law 103227, Part C Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro Children Act of 1994, requires that smoking not be permitted in any portion of any indoor routinely owned or leased or contracted for by an entity and used routinely or regularly for provision of health, day care, education, or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded by Federal programs either directly or through State or local governments, by Federal grant, contract, loan, or loan guarantee. The law does not apply to children's services provided in private residences, facilities funded solely by Medicare or Medicaid funds, and portions of facilities used for inpatient drug or alcohol treatment. Failure to comply with the provisions of the law may result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty of up to $1000 per day and/or the imposition of an administrative compliance order on the responsible entity by signing and submitting this application the applicant/grantee certifies that it will comply with the requirements of the Act.
The applicant/grantee further agrees that it will require the language of this certification be included in any subawards which contain provisions for the children's services and that all subgrantees shall certify accordingly.


The Division of Social Services (DSS), Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) support statutory requirements for Federal oversight as outlined in Title XX of the Social Security Act, as amended, and is codified at 42 USC 1397 through 1397e. The implementing regulations for this and other block grant programs authorized by Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 are published at 45 CFR Part 96. Those regulations include both specific requirements in lieu of 45 CFR Part 92 (the HHS implementation of the A-102 Common Rule) for the covered block grant programs. Each State is responsible for designing and implementing its own SSBG program, within very broad Federal guidelines. States must administer their SSBG program according to their approved plan, along with amendments, and in conformance with their own implementing rules and policies.

SSBG Legislative Authority Summary

On January 4, 1975, a new Title XX was added to the Social Security Act, which authorized an entitlement to States for the provision of social services. Prior to Title XX, States received matching Federal funds for specified categories of services, with eligibility for the services limited to receipt of public assistance under several titles of the Social Security Act.

Under Title XX, States were given increased flexibility to offer a wider range of services to a broader population of adults and children. The statute also included requirements regarding planning, public participation, income eligibility, and administration.

Equal Treatment Regulations

Grantees are subject to the requirements in 45 CFR Part 74 (non-governmental) or 45 CFR Part 92 (governmental).

SSBG Historical Brief

The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) Legislation Social Security Act is a compilation of Social Security Laws for Title XX. These Title XX block grants provides states with social services under Subtitle A block grants that highlights the purposes of subtitle; authorization of appropriations; payments to States, allotments; state administration; limitations on use of grants; reports and audits; and additional grants.

SSBG Block Grant 45 C.F.R. § 96.70-96.74 (Subpart G)

Enclosed are requirements specific to SSBG found in 45 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Sections 96.70 through 96.74. The 45 CFR has the subpart G that applies to the social services block grant providing laws and regulations that governs the program.


CSBG Statute and Regulation

LIHWAP Laws and Regulations

This is the LIHEAP statute that was amended in 2005 by Subtitle B of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58) which reauthorized LIHEAP through FY 2007.

 Subparts A-F of the HHS Block Grant Regulations.