SSBG IM 02-2012 Application Based on the Availability of Funds FY 2013

Publication Date: November 8, 2012
Current as of:

Purpose: To share with States the requirements and provide guidance for the preparation of SSBG pre-expenditure reports.

Background: Each State is responsible for designing and implementing its own SSBG program, within very broad Federal guidelines. States must administer their SSBG program according to their approved plan, along with amendments, and in conformance with their own implementing rules and policies. Each year States are required to submit a pre-expenditure report or intended use plan as a prerequisite to receiving SSBG funds. This report helps to clarify the planned and actual use of SSBG funds for the provision of services in each State. The Office of Community Services (OCS) analyzes SSBG expenditure and recipient data reported through the pre-expenditure reporting in order to develop the SSBG Annual Report. This information also assists OCS in developing performance measures for the SSBG program.
