Help with social services for adults and children

Publication Date: January 25, 2017
Current as of:


Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) is a federally funded program that supports the delivery of following social services:

1) Adoption                                                                    
2) Case ManagementPicture of two hands being held together
3) Congregate meals
4) Independent/transitional living services
5) Information and referral services
6) Legal services
7) Counseling services
8) Day care-adults
9) Day care-children
10) Education and training services
11) Employment services
12) Family planning services
13) Foster care services-adults
14) Foster care services-children
15) Health-related services
16) Home-based services
17) Home-delivered meals
18) Housing services
19) Pregnancy and parenting services
20) Prevention and intervention servicesgroup of multicultural families smiling
21) Protective services-adults
22) Protective services-children
23) Recreational services
24) Residential treatment services
25) Special services-disabled
26) Special services-youth at risk
27) Substance abuse services
28) Transportation services
29) Other


For description of these services, please see Social Services.
States will determine what services will be provided, locations, and the eligible populations.


Services Available

The SSBG Program does not provide social services directly to individuals. The SSBG is awarded to States to implement social services in the 29 categories listed above. States are fully responsible, within the limitation of the law, for determining the use of awarded funds. The flexibility of the SSBG allows States to tailor the use of SSBG funds for the needs of their local populations. Please contact your state or local social services provider directly for information about services and eligibility SSBG State Contact.


How to Receive Services/Assistance

For more information about local service providers throughout your State, contact your State human or social service department SSBG State Contact.