The Affordable Housing and Supportive Services Demonstration (AHSSD) Grant Recipient Toolkit is a one-stop shop for grant recipients to find all the information you will need to successfully manage your grant. Each section contains program information, tools, and resources to refer to throughout the life of your grant. For questions, please contact
Working with ACF and HHS Offices
How Do I Work with ACF Offices?
View this topic to learn about the Office of Community Services, Office of Grants Management, Payment Management Services, and Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation as well as how to contact them.
Systems for Grant Management and Reporting
How Do I Access Reporting and Grants Management Systems?
View this topic to learn how to use GrantSolutions and Payment Management System (PMS).
Managing Grant Administration Activities
How Do I Get Help with Completing My Project?
View this topic to learn about technical assistance, monitoring, amendments, no cost extensions, budget modifications and scope changes.
Additional Resources
Visit Resources for Populations Served by Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Programs for materials to support subgroups of ACF program participants, prospective participants, and their communities to help them understand the array of programs and resources that may be able to assist them.