RCD Spotlight: Restoring Flood Damaged Water Systems in Rural Kentucky
The Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) and Community Action Kentucky used Rural Community Development (RCD) funds to work with community leaders in southeastern Kentucky to restore vital water and wastewater systems in areas affected by historic flooding.
CSBG Impact on California’s Drought Stricken Communities
This video highlights the impact of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds on sustained efforts to connect rural communities to municipal water systems, alleviating systemic water access issues due to historic droughts. This story shows how the local Community Action Agency for Tulare County, CSET, was able to address the immediate need in 2017 and, over the intervening years, leverage CSBG funds with a variety of partners to connect their rural residents to clean and affordable water.
The Community Services Block Grant — Helping Individuals, Families, and Communities Flourish!
Do you need job training services or support furthering your education? Are you in need of childcare? Do you need help with your rent or mortgage? Are you looking for food or nutritional services? Are you in need of another service or resource for you or a family member? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is here to help. CSBG helps to reduce the causes and conditions of poverty across the nation. Whether you are seeking assistance for yourself, your family, or someone in your community, CSBG creates opportunities to help individuals and families move beyond poverty toward economic security
CSBG Disaster Relief Efforts: Flash Floods -- a Kentucky Spotlight
Weather-related disasters are increasing in frequency due to climate change, impacting people everywhere, including the tens of thousands of families in Kentucky who faced devastating flash flooding in 2022. With a focus on the impact of natural disasters on communities with low incomes, this video highlights some of the important wraparound services that CSBG-funded programs provide to individuals, families, and communities — like in Kentucky, where the LKLP Community Action Council utilized OCS program flexibilities to aid in their rapid disaster response.
CSBG Disaster Relief Efforts: Floods — A Texas Spotlight
With a focus on the impact of floods on low-income communities, this video highlights some of the important services CSBG-funded programs provide to individuals, families, and communities in Texas.
CSBG Disaster Relief Efforts: Hurricane Florence — A North Carolina Spotlight
With a focus on the impact of hurricanes on low-income communities, this video highlights some of the important services CSBG-funded programs provide to individuals, families, and communities in North Carolina.
CSBG Disaster Relief Efforts: Wildfires and Heat Domes—An Oregon Spotlight
With a focus on the impact of wildfires and heat domes on low-income communities, this video highlights some of the important services CSBG-funded programs provide to individuals, families, and communities in Oregon.