Services for Older Adults Videos

CSBG: Enhancing Home Accessibility for Older Americans in Alaska with RurAL CAP

Elders from St. Mary’s, Alaska are achieving greater freedom and comfort in their homes thanks to the innovative Senior Access Program from the Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP). Supported by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding, RurAL CAP offers essential, adaptable, and durable access ramps in communities while also applying other improvement programs, like weatherization assistance. This highly efficient process leverages multiple funding streams to achieve far-reaching impact in communities across Alaska. Older Americans are empowered to participate in, lead, and preserve vital community events and traditions with these vital modifications to their homes.

LIHEAP Keeps Families Safe and Warm in Maine

Exposure to the cold can be dangerous, especially for households with older adults, young children, or persons with disabilities. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps households maintain healthy indoor temperatures by lowering costs and assisting with energy-related repairs. Watch to learn how LIHEAP funds support the Maine State Housing Authority, York County Community Action, and R&R Oil as they work together to keep folks like Beverly safe and warm in their homes throughout Maine’s cold winter season.

LIHEAP & ARP: Navajo Nation Spotlight

This video highlights the impact of the American Rescue Plan on the important services that the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides across the Navajo Nation in interviews with both a direct beneficiary of the program and program administrators.

CSBG Anti-Hunger Spotlight: Action for Boston Community Development

With a focus on the impact of food insecurity on low-income communities, this video highlights anti-hunger services CSBG-funded programs like Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) provide to individuals, families, and communities in Boston, Massachusetts.


LIHWAP Iowa Spotlight

This video highlights the important services LIHWAP provides in Iowa in interviews with both a direct beneficiary of the program and program administrators.

LIHWAP Iowa Spotlight with Introduction from the White House

This video highlights the important services LIHWAP provides in Iowa in interviews with both a direct beneficiary of the program and program administrators. It also includes an introduction from Gene Sperling, White House Coordinator for the American Rescue Plan.

Building Opportunity and Hope Through Adult Care in Kentucky's Appalachia

Learn how Horizon Adult Health Care meets the adult and elderly care needs of the community as well as creates jobs in an energy community where jobs were lost due to the closing of local coal mines. Horizon Adult Health Care is supported by Community Economic Development (CED) grantee, Kentucky Highlands Community Development Corporation, to grow their business to serve more adults and employ more individuals with low income.