LIHEAP & LIHWAP How Energy and Water Assistance Work Together in Georgia
Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority leveraged their experience administering energy bill assistance from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to quickly connect their beneficiaries to the water utility assistance available through the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). These programs together reached more individuals and families in need and helped them to achieve greater economic stability.
The Unified Impact of LIHEAP and LIHWAP in American Samoa
Discover how the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Low Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) are making a difference in supporting families across American Samoa. These programs provide funding which when blended and braided together, help ensure the preservation of safe and healthy living environments for vulnerable demographics, including older adults, young children, and individuals with disabilities.
CSBG Building Futures: Housing the Unhoused in Delaware
First State Community Action has used Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds to connect some of the most vulnerable members of their community with extensive wraparound services organized around safe housing in their Pallet Village. This novel approach for providing safe housing and integrated supportive services helps individuals achieve improved economic and health outcomes.
CSBG Kansas: Inside the Whole Family Approach
The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) leverages Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds through eight community action agencies to provide responsive and comprehenisve services to families across Kansas. Using a whole family approach, families can learn about and gain access to a variety of integrated services — from weatherization to childcare assistance providing stability and economic mobility.
Medical-Legal Partnerships Plus, a New OCS Demonstration Program
The Medical-Legal Partnerships Plus (MLP+) demonstration program provides federal funding to long-standing medical-legal partnerships to strengthen the legal capacities of those partnerships, introduce social service navigators, and increase collaboration with other social service organizations, with the goal of improving families’ health and well-being by connecting them to wraparound legal and social services when they need them most.
How LIHEAP and LIHWAP helped Theresa and Mickey’s Family in American Samoa
This video highlights the impact of the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) on a family in American Samoa. Together, the programs allowed Theresa, a nurse, and Mickey, a taro farmer, to keep their utilities on.
CSBG Impact on California’s Drought Stricken Communities
This video highlights the impact of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds on sustained efforts to connect rural communities to municipal water systems, alleviating systemic water access issues due to historic droughts. This story shows how the local Community Action Agency for Tulare County, CSET, was able to address the immediate need in 2017 and, over the intervening years, leverage CSBG funds with a variety of partners to connect their rural residents to clean and affordable water.
CSBG Disaster Relief Efforts: Flash Floods -- a Kentucky Spotlight
Weather-related disasters are increasing in frequency due to climate change, impacting people everywhere, including the tens of thousands of families in Kentucky who faced devastating flash flooding in 2022. With a focus on the impact of natural disasters on communities with low incomes, this video highlights some of the important wraparound services that CSBG-funded programs provide to individuals, families, and communities — like in Kentucky, where the LKLP Community Action Council utilized OCS program flexibilities to aid in their rapid disaster response.