World Water Week 2024 | Day Three | August 28, 2024

World Water Week 2024 banner with waves in the background

Graphic that says Day 03 with an image of a faucet with water coming out of it

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) has helped ensure that households with low incomes across the United States have access to water and wastewater services, with over 1.7 million households served. This World Water Week, LIHWAP is releasing national, state, territory, and tribal region one-page fact sheets describing the impact of the program. For grant recipients who ended their programs in December 2023, demographic data on households served is included in the factsheets. Updated factsheets for grant recipients with programs that ended in June 2024 will be released later this year.


Fact Sheets

Screenshot of LIHWAP National One pager


LIHWAP national one-page fact sheet:

National one-page fact sheet (PDF)


LIHWAP territory one-page fact sheet:

Territory one-page fact sheet (PDF)


Water Resources

Graphic that says resources with an image of a woman and her child at the kitchen sink

LIHWAP was authorized through emergency funds granted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This emergency program has expired and LIHWAP benefits are no longer available. The Office of Community Services has developed a list of additional resources to help households and communities with water and other household needs:

  • Community action agencies (CAA): CAAs are local nonprofit organizations that administer social service programs across the country. Contact information for local agencies can be found here: com/find-a-cap .
  • United Way: Additional resource programs that may be available to assist households can be found by dialing the United Way at 2-1-1 or visiting . This resource is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • gov: Visit to find out about other government benefit programs for which households might be eligible.
  • See this Water Assistance Resources (PDF) guide for information on how households can ask about water bill assistance in your local area.
  • See this Water Assistance Resources (PDF) guide for information on where households can find help with your water well or septic system.
  • Energy assistance: Energy assistance may be available to households through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). To find out more, visit ..