
Current as of:

The Office of Family Assistance (OFA) proposes and implements national policy for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.  OFA provides guidance to states, tribes, and others on the complex and varied issues that relate to state implementation of the TANF program.

State TANF

This section contains information on federal laws and regulations, as well as policy guidance documents to assist state agencies administering the TANF program. It also provides interpretations of federal laws and program regulations initiated by inquiries from states.  Since the enactment of the TANF program, OFA has provided guidance on a range of issues including allowable use of funds, work activities, calculation and verification of work participation, data reporting, and penalties.

Tribal TANF

This section contains information on federal laws and regulations, as well as policy guidance documents that pertain to grantees administering the Tribal TANF program. It also provides interpretations of federal laws and program regulations initiated by inquiries from tribes.