ACF "Dear Colleague" Letter on Tribal TANF and Tribal Child Support Cooperation Flexibilities (01-16-2025)
Date: January 16, 2025
Dear Tribal TANF and Child Support Administrators:
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), including the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) and the Office of Child Support Services (OCSS), is committed to enhancing the support we provide to tribes, with the goal of better serving tribal communities and families.
We want to remind you about the flexibilities you have when establishing or amending your Tribal TANF and IV-D plans.[1] These flexibilities can help you align your Tribal TANF and IV-D plans to minimize disruptions in the referral and case closure processes, and support family stability.
Flexibilities in Tribal TANF and Child Support Programs
Tribal TANF Programs:
- Child Support Cooperation: Tribal TANF programs can decide whether to require the assignment of child support rights and cooperation with child support as a condition for receiving TANF benefits. Tribes can also set their criteria for good cause and other exceptions to cooperation based on their unique needs and circumstances (45 CFR 286.75(a)(8) ). For example, tribes have discretion to set standards for cooperation that differ for parents and non-parents (e.g., caretaker relatives).
- Noncustodial Parents: Tribal TANF programs can include noncustodial parents in their definition of “Indian family” and provide services to help them gain skills and education to secure stable, well-paying jobs and meet their child support obligations. Examples of these services include job search support, GED preparation courses, on-the-job training, employment placement, incentives to comply with child support orders, and other supportive services that remove barriers to securing and maintaining employment.
Tribal Child Support Programs:
- Case Closure Criteria: Tribal IV-D programs have the flexibility to establish their criteria to close IV-D cases.
- Noncustodial parents: Tribal child support programs can offer certain employment and training services to noncustodial parents under the newly issued child support rule effective January 13, 2025. Such services are eligible for 100% Federal Financial Participation.
Resources for Tribal TANF and Child Support Programs
- Tribal Agencies
- Tribal Employment Pathways
- Employment and Training Services for Noncustodial Parents in the Child Support Program
- Resource Library
- OFA's Tribal Programs Page
- TANF Regional Program Manager Directory
- TANF Policy Resource Library
- Peer TA Network - TANF Resource Library
We are committed to supporting tribes so that families overcome barriers and experience greater well-being. We appreciate your continued dedication to serving tribal communities and families. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can ensure that our programs effectively meet the needs of the families we serve.
Thank you for your hard work and partnership.
/s/ /s/
Ann Flagg Tanguler Gray
Director, OFA Commissioner, OCSS
[1] Tribes may request to amend their TANF or IV-D plans at any time.