OFA "Dear Colleague" Letter on Housing Instability (11-25-2024)

Publication Date: November 26, 2024
Current as of:


Dear Human Services Leaders,  

In recognition of National Homelessness Awareness Month, the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) on the important role TANF programs can play in support of families experiencing housing instability. The letter is intended to encourage state TANF programs to build on or develop strategic partnerships with housing, workforce development, and human services leaders to maximize TANF flexibilities as they provide economic and other supports to these families. 

OFA builds on its 2013 Information Memorandum and a 2022 report  by ACF’s Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) to reemphasize collaborations, flexibilities, and opportunities available to TANF programs as they look to meet the needs of impacted children, youth, and families. 

The examples proposed in this letter support the TANF program purposes, in particular, Purpose 1: to provide assistance to needy families so that children can be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relatives and Purpose 2: to end the dependence of needy parents on government benefits by promoting job preparation, work, and marriage. This letter asks TANF agencies to consider:  

  1. Strengthening coordination and collaboration efforts with housing and homelessness-related providers.  
  2. Reducing barriers to TANF participation for families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.   
  3. Increasing cash, rental assistance, and other direct supports to families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.   

This targeted initiative was developed through ongoing conversations with state leaders, OFA’s Regional Program Managers and Specialists, and technical assistance and policy teams to ensure states are aware of and supported in utilizing their discretion when offering a wide range of benefits and services. OFA aims to be a supportive partner as communities continue the important and complex work of serving children and families, particularly those who are at risk of or experiencing housing instability. OFA will kick off a webinar series on this topic on January 15th, 2025, at 1:00 PM ET. More details will be released soon, and we look forward to engaging with you during that series.   

We thank you for your service and encourage you to contact your OFA Regional Program Manager with questions or to discuss how to expand services to these families.   

OFA Dear Colleague Letter on Housing Instability (PDF)
