Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund
For information on the Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund (PEAF) Non-Recurrent Short Term (NRST) Benefits, please see the Office of Family Assistance PEAF webpage. This page provides various PEAF specific Program Instructions and Questions and Answers for your reference.
Tribal TANF
The Tribal TANF program is governed by its authorizing statute, regulations, and policy guidance. These are all available on this page. Additionally, here you will find policy clarifications in the form of questions and answers (Q&As), reporting instructions for Tribal TANF programs, and other resources useful to Tribal TANF grantees in managing their programs.
- TANF-ACF-PI-2022-01: Form ACF-196T Tribal TANF Financial Report Form
- TANF-ACF-PI-2020-02: Questions and answers about Tribal TANF and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
- TANF-ACF-PI-2018-02: revises and supersedes TANF-ACF-PI 2005-03), Requirements for Tribes and States Concerning TANF Service Areas and Populations for Tribal TANF Programs
- TANF-ACF-PI-2017-01: Guidance on How State Family Assistance Grant (SFAG) and Tribal Family Assistance Grant (TFAG) Amounts for Fiscal Years (FY) 2017 and 2018 Are Affected by the .33% Reduction in TANF Funding in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017
- TANF-ACF-PI-2008-03: Guidance for the Resolution of State and Tribal Disagreements Over the State-Submitted Caseload and Expenditure Data Used to Establish the Amount of a Tribal Family Assistance Grant (TFAG)
- TANF-ACF-PI-2007-03: Pre-award Costs for Potential Tribal TANF Grantees
- TANF-ACF-PA-2000-04: Guidance concerning State Maintenance-of-Effort (MOE) funds paid to a Tribe with an Approved Tribal Family Assistance Plan
- Economic Development Guide
- OFA Regional Office TANF Program Managers
- Tribal TANF Data Coding Instructions
- Tribal TANF Plan Guidance
- Tribal TANF Plan Requirements (PDF)
Questions and Answers
- Subsidized Employment
- Letter of Intent Process
- TANF Assistance
- Uses of the Tribal Family Assistance Grant
- Work Activities
- Work Experience
- NEW-ACF-PI-2018-01 (revises and supersedes NEW-ACF-PI 2011-01): Program, financial, and audit reporting requirements for NEW grantees, including requirements to electronically file both the Federal Financial Report (Standard Form 425) and the Native Employment Works Program Report.
- NEW-ACF-PI-2004-02: Effect on Native Employment Works (NEW) grantees of statutory amendment permitting carryover of unobligated balances with no fiscal year limitation.
- Native Employment Works (NEW) Program Plan Guidance (does not include P.L. 102-477 NEW Programs)
- Native Employment Works (NEW) Program Report (PDF Download 5 pages)
Public Law 102-477
Tribal TANF and NEW programs may be integrated into a "477 plan" under Public Law 102-477. Contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs , the lead federal agency for implementing 477, for more information and guidance related to program integration..
Policy and Guidance
TTCW Funding Opportunity Announcement (includes policy guidance for the program for years 2020-2025)
- Report: The power of stories: enriching program research and reporting.
- Report: Study of Coordination of Tribal TANF and Child Welfare Services Grants, 2011-2016
- Report: Linking Child Safety and Risk Assessments in American Indian/Alaska Native communities
- Report: Tribal TANF — Child Welfare Coordination: Theory of Change and Logic Models
The Tribal TANF program is governed by the following statute and regulations
- Statute: 42 U.S.C. §612.Direct Funding and Administration by Indian Tribes
- Regulations: 45 CFR Part 286 Tribal TANF Provisions
- Cost Principles - Subpart E of PART 75 of Title 45. Cost principles establish general standards for the allowability of costs, provide detailed guidance on the cost accounting treatment of costs as direct or indirect costs, and set forth allowability principles for selected items of cost.
Key resources for managing the Tribal TANF grant include:
- Tribal TANF Data Coding Instructions
- Economic Resource Development Guide for Tribes and Tribal Communities
- Cost Principles Cost principles establish general standards for the allowability of costs, provide detailed guidance on the cost accounting treatment of costs as direct or indirect costs, and set forth allowability principles for selected items of cost