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The Resilient Families Hub is a new initiative of the Office of Family Assistance and exists to understand the role of direct cash transfers in advancing economic stability and mobility in the United States. The Hub works with federal, state, and local governments and community-based organizations to provide subject matter expertise, research findings and evidence-based policies and practices around the targeted use of direct cash. 

Candace enrolled in HPOG when she was 39 years old. She applied and was accepted into the Northwest Ohio Pathway to Healthcare Careers (NOPHC) Project in February 2017. She enrolled in the state tested nursing assistant (STNA) program in March 2017, completed the course in April, and passed her exams in December 2017. Candace re-entered the licensed practical nurse (LPN) program in September 2019 after withdrawing earlier that year. She graduated in December 2020 and passed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) in April 2021.

BreAnna is a single mother of four children. She reached out to Project H.E.L.P. in Spring of 2020, but had trouble finding a class that would fit her schedule. BreAnna started certified nursing assistant (CNA) training in February 2021 and returned to her classes that March after taking a break to handle some medical complications. She completed her training and found a job in April.

Kristal is a wife and mother of four children. She applied to the Work Attributes Towards Careers in Health (WATCH) program in early 2019 and was accepted. Kristal completed phlebotomist training in July 2020. She also completed licensed practical nursing (LPN) training and passed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) exam in November 2020. She began working as an LPN in 2021.

Samuel was laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic and his unemployment benefits were coming to an end. He applied to the CareerAdvance Healthcare Job Training Program and was accepted in January 2021. Samuel enrolled in certified nursing assistant (CNA) training and received his certification in March 2021. He started employment the same month. His ultimate goal is to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN).

Sarah is a single mother of two children who started her career in healthcare at age 19 to support her young family. She earned her Medical Assistant certification in late 2016 outside of HPOG and began working soon after. Sarah wanted to further her training as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) so she enrolled in the Kansas Health Profession Opportunity Project (KHPOP) in April 2019. She completed training and received her LPN license in December 2020.

Stephanie spent four years working as a traveling phlebotomist. Her mother provided childcare for Stephanie’s four children while she worked to provide for her family. When her mother became ill, Stephanie had to leave her job. Family illness and unemployment were not the first obstacles she encountered; she was also a domestic violence survivor. Stephanie visited her local One-Stop and saw a flyer for Project HOPE: Healthcare Occupations Preparation for Employment . She was interested in returning to school but had exhausted available financial aid during her Phlebotomy degree. Stephanie knew she had an open door in front of her and decided to walk through it. She called the number on the flyer and applied for Project HOPE assistance.

As a single father, Julio struggled for many years to provide for his children. He worked whatever jobs he could find, from cashier to cook to bike messenger, but wanted more. Julio received assistance from the New York Human Resources Administration. During a visit, he learned about the Allied Health Career Pipeline Program offered through Hostos Community College. They offer free healthcare training and career services to help eligible students obtain employment in the healthcare professions. Julio immediately registered for the program and began Certified Nursing Assistant training in January of 2020.

After Jodi’s life took a turn for the worst, she found her path to redemption through the Innovations in Creating Access to Careers in Healthcare (I-CATCH) program at Edmonds College.

Byanca moved to Southern Oregon to escape a bad marriage.  As an unemployed single mother, she wanted to improve her life and better support her child. A few of Byanca’s siblings work in the healthcare industry, and they encouraged her interest in the field. At the prompting of her big brothers and sisters, she attended a Southern Oregon HOPE (SOHOPE) orientation. She learned that with SOHOPE support, she could earn a certificate leading to a well-paying, reliable job in healthcare. After being accepted into the SOHOPE program, she completed her prerequisites and enrolled in the Medical Administrative Assistant (MAA) training program.