This page includes descriptions and links to training, technical assistance resources, and prerecorded learning sessions. Please bookmark this page, as we will add links and offer additional learning opportunities throughout the year.
FVPSA American Rescue Plan (ARP) Allowable Costs Training
The OFVPS developed the training recording with answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) to help grantees and subgrantees manage their ARP Sexual Assault Supplemental Funding. This pre-recorded training session provides an overview along with Q&A answers to frequently asked questions and additional resources to assist grantees.
FVPSA ARP Training Resources
ARP Sexual Assault Allowable Costs | Video | Transcript (PDF) |
ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines, and Mobile Health Unit Supplemental Funding Allowable Costs | Video | Transcript (PDF) |
FVPSA Performance Progress Report (PPR) Training
The OFVPS has developed training recordings and frequently asked questions (FAQ) materials to help state, territory, tribe, and coalition grant recipients submit their annual performance progress reports.
- FVPSA PPR Forms Links: Listed below are links to the existing FVPSA formula grant recipients PPR forms OMB Approval Number: 0970-0280 Expiration Date: 06/30/2027. Links to the ACF discretionary grant recipients PPR form OMB Approval Number: 0970-0406 Expiration Date: 11/30/2022.
- States and Tribes FVPSA PPR Form: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ofvps/form/performance-progress-report-form-state-and-tribal-fvpsa-grantees
- Coalitions FVPSA PPR Form: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ofvps/form/performance-progress-report-form-fvpsa-funded-coalitions
- Discretionary PPR Form: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents//ACF_OGM_PPR_Exp_Date_11.30.22 (PDF)
- FVPSA ARP PPR FAQ: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ofvps/faq/fvpsa-arp-performance-progress-reporting-faq (PDF)
FVPSA PPR Training Resources
States, Territories, and Tribes PPR Training | Video | Transcript |
State Domestic Violence Coalitions PPR Training | Video | Transcript |
FVPSA Federal Financial Report (FFR) Training
The OFVPS collaborated with Payment Management System's Program Support Center to provide training related to understanding and completing the Federal Financial Report (FFR). Sessions included a live demonstration of the Standard Form 425 submission via the Payment Management System (PMS) and were provided for both discretionary and formula grantees.
FVPSA FFR Training Resources
Understanding Your FFR for Discretionary Grantees | Video | Transcript |
Understanding Your FFR for Formula Grantees | Video | Transcript |
Financial Grants Management Training
The OFVPS collaborated with the Office of Grants Management to host three specific Financial Grants Management Training sessions. These modules included valuable information to help grantees and sub-grantees navigate the FVPSA American Rescue Plan Grants process. Resources, such as pre-recorded sessions, slides, and frequently asked questions documents are available through the links below.
Financial Grants Management Training Resources
Module #1 | Video (EN) | Video (SP) | Slides (EN) (PDF) | Slides (SP) (PPTX) | FAQs (EN) (DOCX) | FAQs (SP) |
Module #2 | Video (EN) | Video (SP) | Slides (EN) (PPTX) | Slides (SP) (PPTX) | FAQs (EN) (DOCX) | FAQs (SP) (DOCX) |
Module #3 | Video (EN) | Video (SP) | Slides (EN) (PPTX) | Slides (SP) (PPTX) | FAQs (EN) | FAQs (SP) |
Download our FVPSA Financial Grants Management - Grantee Resource Kit (PPTX) to acquire links to regulations, resources, and tools that can help you build upon these training sessions.
Additional Grants Management Training Opportunities
Be proactive and hear directly from the ACF Office of Grants Management (OGM) about financial monitoring and important compliance areas grantees and sub-grantees should be mindful of when managing their ACF grants. The information in this training, conducted at the 2022 ACF Indigenous Programs Conference, applies to all FVPSA (including ARP) grantees.
OGM will present an overview of the federal award monitoring environment, with a specific focus on the review and resolution of single audit findings for ACF recipients, as well as financial monitoring activities. During this session, grants management professionals will emphasize elaborating on crucial compliance areas that historically significantly impact the proper financial stewardship of federal awards. OGM will introduce some of these critical areas and give insight into action recipients can take to address them proactively.
Click below to watch the ACF Financial Monitoring Environment: Single Audit and Recipient Compliance Monitoring workshop.
Technical Assistance Minute with OGM
The Office of Grants Management’s Technical Assistance Minute provides FVPSA grantees answers to frequently asked questions with some Q&As.
TA Minute Topics
Obligation & Liquidation (4 minutes): | Video | Transcript |
Technical Assistance Opportunities (via Resource Centers)
There are various webinars and learning sessions available through FVPSA's Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN). Learn more about these opportunities by clicking on the links below.
National Health Resource Center
- Prerecorded webinars and the entire webinar schedule are available at the NHRC website.
National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health
- Visit the NCDVTMH website for resources, and tip sheets to support domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy organizations and coalitions in responding to the trauma, mental health, and substance use-related needs of survivors and their families.
National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
- For additional information regarding technical assistance opportunities and webinars visit the NIWRC events and training page .