FVPSA Grants for State and Territorial Domestic Violence Coalitions

Current as of:
Group of diverse people with hands together.

About FVPSA Grants to State and Territorial Domestic Violence Coalitions

The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act is the primary federal funding stream for State and Territorial Domestic Violence Coalitions, which coordinate state- and territory-wide improvements within local communities, social service systems, and programming regarding the prevention and intervention of domestic violence.  Every Coalition provides comprehensive training and technical assistance on a multitude of social, legal, and economic issues that affect victims’ safety and well-being.  Coalitions partner with government, private industry, non-profit and faith-based communities, and other stakeholders to effectively coordinate and improve the safety-net of services available to victims and their dependents.  

The coalitions are noncompetitive grantees funding to coordinate state- and territory-wide improvements within local communities, social service systems, and programming regarding the prevention and intervention of domestic violence.  Every Coalition provides comprehensive training and technical assistance on a multitude of social, legal, and economic issues that affect victims’ safety and well-being.  

State and Territory Domestic Violence Coalitions

The following table outlines all of the current state and territory coalitions. Feel free to learn more about these essential advocates by clicking on the embedded links. 

Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence: acadv.org  Visit disclaimer page

Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence: ilcadv.org  Visit disclaimer page New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence: nhcadsv.org   South Dakota Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault: sdnafvsa.com
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assaultandvsa.org  Visit disclaimer page Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence: icadvinc.org  Visit disclaimer page New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence: njcedv.org   Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence: tncoalition.org
America Samoa Alliance Against Domestic and Sexual Violence: asalliance.co   Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence: icadv.org   New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence: nmcadv.org   Texas Council on Family Violence: tcfv.org  
Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence: azcadv.org  Visit disclaimer page Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence: www.kcsdv.org New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence: nyscadv.org   Utah Domestic Violence Coalition: udvc.org
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence: domesticpeace.com   Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence: lcadv.org North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence: nccadv.org Vermont Network Against Domestic & Sexual Violence: vtnetwork.org
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence: cpedv.org   Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence: mcedv.org   CAWS: North Dakota Ending Sexual and Domestic Violence: cawsnorthdakota.org Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance: vsdvalliance.org
Violence Free Colorado: violencefreecolorado.org   Jane Doe Inc. Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence: janedoe.org   Northern Marianas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence: facebook.com/ endviolencenmi/ Virgin Islands Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Council: vidvsac.org
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence: ctcadv.org   Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence: mnadv.org Ohio Domestic Violence Network: odvn.org   Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence: wscadv.org  
Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence: dcadv.org   Michigan Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence: mcadsv.org   Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault: ocadvsa.org   West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence: wvcadv.org  
District of Columbia Coalition Against Domestic Violence: dccadv.org   Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women: mcbw.org   Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence: ocadsv.org End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin: endabusewi.org
Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence: gcadv.org Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence: mcadv.org   Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence: pcadv.org   Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault: wyomingdvsa.org
Guam Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Family Violence: guamcoalition.org   Missouri Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence: mocadsv.org Coordinadora Paz Para La Mujer (San Juan, PR): pazparalamujer.org
Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence: hscadv.org  Visit disclaimer page Montana Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence: mcadsv.com   Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence: ricadv.org
Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence: idvsa.org Nebraska Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Coalition: nebraskacoalition.org South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault: sccadvasa.org

FVPSA Standing NOFO for Grants to State Domestic Violence Coalitions

Hands in Counseling

The Administration on Children and Families (ACF), Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services (OFVPS) is very pleased to announce the availability of 2024 funding through the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) formula/mandatory grant program. The Standing Announcement for Family Violence Prevention and Services/Grants to State Domestic Violence Coalitions is available online. 

The purpose of a coalition is to provide education, support, and technical assistance to domestic violence service providers to enable the providers to establish and maintain shelter and supportive services for victims of domestic violence and their dependents; to serve as an information clearinghouse, primary point of contact, and resource center on domestic violence for the state; and to support the development of policies, protocols, and procedures to enhance domestic violence intervention and prevention in the state.

The goals of this non-competitive grant program are to:

1) Confirm the federal commitment to reducing domestic violence.

2) Urge states, localities, cities, and the private sector to improve the responses to and the prevention of domestic violence, and encourage stakeholders and service providers to plan toward an integrated service delivery approach that meets the needs of all victims, including those in underserved communities.

3) Provide for technical assistance and training relating to domestic violence programs.

4) Increase public awareness about and prevention of domestic violence and increase the quality and availability of shelter and supportive services for victims of domestic violence and their dependents.

View  OFVPS Notice of Standing Funding Opportunity to State Domestic Violence Coalitions (PDF)