Early Childhood Disaster-Related Resources for Children and Families

Current as of:

A smiling South Asian father and mother sitting on a couch with the son and daughter in their laps.

Natural and man-made disasters can happen anywhere and at any time. Making sure you and your family are READY can make a big difference when disasters strike.

As your child’s primary caretaker, confidant, and teacher, your support can have the biggest impact on how your child recovers and heals after disasters.

Check out the fact sheets, guides, family tools, and activities for young children below that can help you and your entire family prepare, respond to, and recover from disasters.

Preparedness  |  Response  |  Recovery

Featured Resources

An image of a mother cradling baby with the words Infant Feeding During a Disaster underneath        Ready.gov Be a Hero - Resources to Help Families Get Prepared


Preparedness for Children and Families

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Caring for Children in a Disaster web page has preparedness tips, toolkits, and information for families, parents, and parents-to-be.
  • FEMA Ready Kids! has created four categories of content — Kids, Teens, Families, and Educators and Organizations — that contain tips, activities, and other easy tools to help every age group be prepared for emergencies!
    • Be a Ready Kid  allows children to play games, learn about disasters, and get tips to prepare before disaster strikes. 
    • Ready Teens  explains how everyone has a role in preparedness, including teens.
    • Prepare Your Family  offers family planning checklists, instructions on building a disaster preparedness kit, ways to help children cope after a disaster, and disaster financial planning tools.
    • Educators and Organizers  provides emergency managers, teachers, and others who work with children, a variety of games, tools, back-to-school resources, and planning and recovery materials.
  • Early Childhood Development in Emergencies : the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) provides guidance to help train and support parents and caregivers as they prepare for and respond to disasters.
    • Early Child Development Kit for Emergencies  contains materials to help caregivers create a safe learning environment for young children aged 0-8, and offers children access to play, stimulation, and early learning opportunities.
  • Disaster Resources  from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
  • Post-Disaster Reunification of Children: A Nationwide Approach: provides emergency planners a comprehensive overview of the coordination processes necessary to reunify children separated from their parents or legal guardians in the event of a large-scale disaster and reflects how the whole community can work together to achieve one wide ranging mission. 

Response for Children and Families

Recovery for Children and Families