Early Childhood Disaster-Related Resources for Early Childhood Education Providers

Publication Date: March 10, 2014
Current as of:


Natural and man-made disasters can happen anywhere and at any time. Emergency preparedness at work, at home, and in the community is everyone's responsibility.

Millions of young children are in early childhood centers or homes on a daily basis. Making sure you are ready to keep yourself and the children in your care safe when a disaster strikes is of upmost importance. As a trusted and loved figure in children’s lives, you are also on the front lines of helping children recover and heal after disasters.

These resources can help you and your program with disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.

Preparedness  |  Response  |  Recovery

Featured Resources     

 Preparedness for Early Childhood Education Providers

Response for Early Childhood Education Providers

Recovery for Early Childhood Education Providers

ACF Office of Head Start | ACF Office of Child Care | ASPR  FEMA  | HRSA  SAMHSA  | OCS' Disaster Flexibility Hub  

Save the Children  American Red Cross