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Defining disaster equity and offering resources to make it a priority

Webinar to advance equitable disaster operations by equipping human services providers and emergency responders with the principles of disaster equity and disaster human services and providing examples of their application in disaster case management operations

This memorandum provides policies and guidance for U.S. Repatriation Program recipients on emergency repatriation planning, training, and exercises (PTE), including agency roles and responsibilities and allowable activities and costs. 


January 20, 2023

Description of OHSEPR grants and grantees

What the Disaster Human Services program may provide 

Provides information for helping children be prepared for and better able to recover from disasters

Description of the Disaster Human Services Case Management program including Immediate Disaster Case Management  

OHSEPR Equity Plan Statement 

Repaying your U.S. Repatriation Program Loan

Describes OHSEPR mission, vision, tasks, leadership bios, organization, and contact information link