OPRE Insights Blog

HHS Scientific Integrity Policy and ACF Evaluation Policy

At OPRE and ACF, we work every day to help build evidence that is used to support policy and decision making. We are proud to guide our work by the five principles of the ACF Evaluation Policy: rigor, relevance, transparency, independence, and ethics. 

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Evidence-based Recommendations for Policy and Practice

Both peer reviewed articles and government reports aiming to inform policy or practice commonly include a recommendations section. Recommendations typically connect the findings from the literature or a particular study and what researchers think policy or practice should do in response. 

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Can We All Develop the Superpowers of Knowledge Brokers?

Imagine a world where superheroes don’t just fly or have super strength—they bridge the gaps between research, practice, and policy to support evidence use. Welcome to the realm of knowledge brokers, the unsung heroes who translate complex data into actionable insights. 

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With the People, By the People, for the People: Co-Creating Evidence Use with American Indian/Alaska Native Communities

The establishment of partnerships is crucial to ensure that the data collected under AIAN FACES is co-created with AIAN communities, with input by members of the community, and for use by AIAN programs themselves. 

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Applying Bayesian Methods in the Evaluation of Employment Coaching Programs

OPRE’s explores innovative statistical methods and ways they might be applied to generate evidence on human services programs, and we recently released a publication highlighting Bayesian methods and their  applications in program evaluation.

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Insights from a Project to Examine Research Use in Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Contexts

. In order to achieve our mission to build evidence to improve the lives of children and families, our research needs to be accessed, translated, and utilized by human services program decision-makers and practitioners. 

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From Evidence to Action: How Do We Establish Systems to Support Evidence Use?

Creating evidence is important. Creating usable evidence is even more so. But is it enough to just create high-quality usable evidence? If the evidence we generate is not used, we minimize our ability to achieve our shared mission of improving the lives of children and families. 

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Are Insights Generated by AI a Form of Evidence?

Artificial intelligence — AI — is a hot topic right now that seems to be generating interest in all sectors of society. But are insights generated by AI a form of evidence?

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What Does it Mean to Use Evidence Well?

It is important for policy to be using the most rigorous evidence available, but equally important is how we conceptualize the quality of evidence use.

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Broadening the Lens of Evidence Use

Reports that evidence isn’t used in policy may be greatly exaggerated. There has been much discussion about a research-to-policy gap, but is it actually a gap or a narrow view endemic in discussions of evidence use?

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