MIHOPE Newsletter May 2013

MIHOPE Research Design

MIHOPE, the evaluation of the federal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program, is unique in its scale and in the number of research methods it will use to understand home visiting. It includes an impact analysis, a multi-level implementation analysis, and an economic analysis. Research Design »

How and Why We Use Random Assignment

Listen to MIHOPE team lead Sharon Rowser explain the study method and how random assignment allows the researchers to look at what difference the home visiting programs make. Video »

MIHOPE: Insights from the Field

State administrators describe why they are involved in the study, staff describe their experience with the study, and national leaders share their thoughts on why MIHOPE will provide valuable insights on home visiting. Insights »

MIHOPE: Questions from the Field

Responses to common questions about the study and the role of home visiting staff and supervisors in the research. Questions »

Explaining MIHOPE to Referral Partners

Home visiting programs rely on referrals from partners in the community. This video was created to help explain the study to those partners. Video »


The latest news from the MIHOPE project. News »