MIHOPE Newsletter May 2015
MIHOPE Newsletter May 2015 May 17, 2015
In This Update
The first results from MIHOPE were recently released in a Report to Congress. This Update features key results from the report. For more details, see the full report .
Expanding Home Visiting to Communities in Need
In the earliest phase of the federal Home Visiting Program, states assessed the characteristics of their localities in order to target home visiting services where they are needed.
Where is MIHOPE?
MIHOPE is located in states that support more than one evidence-based home visiting program model. Local programs participating in MIHOPE are in rural and urban areas. They tend to be near towns or cities because they are usually large home visiting programs that serve 100+ families.
A Profile of Women When They Enrolled in Home Visiting
Home visiting programs typically serve young women with many challenges that can affect their own well-being and that of their children.
What Are Home Visiting Programs Doing?
Local home visiting programs typically focus on both mothers and their children, addressing a wide range of issues, including parenting, child development, economic self-sufficiency, maternal health, birth spacing, prenatal health, and intimate partner violence.