MIHOPE Newsletter October 2013

MIHOPE Study Underway in 9 States

The goal for MIHOPE is to enroll families in multiple sites across 12 states. The study team is pleased to announce that MIHOPE is now operating in California, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Centralized Intake: Innovation in the Field

Various states and communities, including several MIHOPE sites, are using a centralized approach to intake and assessment to refer families to home visiting services.

Introducing MIHOPE-Strong Start

MIHOPE’s companion study, the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation — Strong Start (MIHOPE-Strong Start), is now recruiting sites. MIHOPE-Strong Start aims to determine whether home visiting programs improve birth- and health-related outcomes in children’s first year.

The Connection between MIHOPE & MIHOPE-Strong Start

Listen to MIHOPE-Strong Start team lead Dina Israel explain the relationship between two large-scale national home visiting studies: MIHOPE and MIHOPE-Strong Start.


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