2015 - 2018
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The Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency Capstone project, led by MDRC, synthesized the work of the Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) project and conducted dissemination activities to ensure the results from BIAS were shared with a broad audience of research, policy, and practice stakeholders. BIAS Capstone furthered the dissemination work conducted for BIAS through a range of diverse activities and products. While BIAS produced site-specific reports for each of the eight sites where behavioral interventions were tested as well as a report describing findings from the knowledge development phase, one of BIAS Capstone’s major contributions was the production of a final synthesis report.
The final report discusses the overall findings from the BIAS project, synthesizes lessons learned across the eight sites and during the knowledge development period, situates the findings within the broader context of applied behavioral insights and human services policy, and discusses implications for future research and practice. As part of the process of developing this report, the BIAS Capstone team convened a group of behavioral experts who provided their perspectives on key takeaways from the BIAS project. These perspectives were incorporated into the final report via independent commentaries from these experts.
In addition to the final report, the BIAS Capstone project produced a number of innovative products to disseminate the work of BIAS including:
- an infographic summarizing the project’s activities and findings
- a short video about the project
- a framework describing behaviorally informed techniques commonly applied across BIAS interventions
- a compendium of all the behaviorally informed written materials created as part of the project’s interventions
- a case study that can be used by those teaching about the application of behavioral insights
- articles submitted to academic journals
- issue briefs on each of the three program areas in which BIAS worked—child care, child support, and work support
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The point of contact is Kim Clum.