The purpose of the Building Usage, Improvement, and Learning with Data in HMRF programs (BUILD HMRF) project is to provide technical assistance to ACF’s fourth cohort (2020 — 2025) of Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) grantees through:
- fostering high quality data collection;
- supporting continuous quality improvement efforts; and
- conducting cross-site performance measures analysis.
To accomplish this, OPRE is collaborating closely with the program office and funder, ACF’s Office of Family Assistance, and all HMRF grantees, to:
- implement, maintain, and enhance a data collection system (nFORM) with updated tools and processes;
- provide ongoing support to HMRF grantees and build capacity for performance monitoring and data-driven program improvement; and
- provide cross-grantee analyses to support ACF performance monitoring and reporting and advance understanding of HMRF programs, services, and outcomes.
This project is being conducted by Mathematica.
Point(s) of contact: Rebecca Hjelm and Harmanpreet Bhatti
Information collections related to this project have been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs under OMB #0970-0566. Related materials are available at Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Performance Measures and Additional Data Collection page on RegInfo.gov.
The most currently approved documents are accessible by clicking on the ICR Ref. No. with the most recent conclusion date. To access the information collections (E.g. interviews, surveys, protocols), click on View Information Collection (IC) List. Click on View Supporting Statement and Other Documents to access other supplementary documents.
Information collections related to this project have also been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs under ACF’s Generic Clearances. Related materials are available at the following pages on RegInfo.gov:
Formative Data Collections for ACF Program Support (OMB #0970-0531)
Umbrella FastTrack Generic for Customer Service Feedback (OMB #0970-0401)
The project plans to archive the data in FY26.