Descriptive Study of Tribal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Programs


This project provided a descriptive study on the implementation of Tribal TANF programs and document lessons learned. The study also documented, identified and recommended potential approaches for further study.

Data collection consisted of both administrative data and implementation data garnered from site visits involving interviews with program officials and focus groups of program participants. The Urban Institute conducted the study.

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This publication provides an in-depth, systematic description of program implementation, operations, outputs, and outcomes of four Tribal TANF programs (the Navajo Nation Program for Self Reliance, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Athabascan Self-Sufficiency Assistance Project, and South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency).  The publication also identifies promising practices and other areas for further study.

Overall, the study found that tribes use the flexibility of Tribal TANF to create diverse...