OPRE jointly sponsored with the Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) a study of subsidized summer 2010 employment opportunities for low-income youth operated with the TANF Emergency Fund offered as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The study examined the use of ARRA funds (in both the TANF and WIA programs) to create and expand summer employment opportunities for low-income youth. The study was conducted in ten jurisdictions around the United States, including: Little Rock, Arkansas; South Bay (Los Angeles Area), California; Santa Clara County, California; Cook County, Illinois; Southern Illinois; South-central Minnesota; Anoka County, Minnesota; Erie County, New York; Eastern Oklahoma; and Dallas, Texas. While on site, researchers conducted interviews with county TANF and WIA officials, program operators, and youth participants. Researchers also communicated with State-level stakeholders in each of these States to learn about partnership and collaboration at the State-level regarding this program. The final report from this study was released in 2011.