The Ex-Prisoner Reentry Strategies Study (or “Father Reentry Study”) was an implementation study of six Responsible Fatherhood programs initially funded in 2011 under the Responsible Fatherhood grant program. The grantees administered their programs to incarcerated, soon-to-be released, and recently released fathers both in correctional institutions and in the community.
The project team at the Urban Institute documented program activities, the experiences of staff and participants, and lessons useful to other practitioners serving justice-involved fathers. The study published a report of early implementation findings in 2015 and published a report with final implementation findings in 2017. The study also published in 2017 a series of briefs that described how the grantees provided services in each of the three required activity areas for Responsible Fatherhood programs: responsible parenting, healthy marriage and relationship education, and economic stability.
The point of contact is Nicole Constance.