For almost three decades, the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) has been an invaluable source of information on the Head Start program and the children and families it serves. Broadly, the goal of FACES is to provide descriptive, nationally representative information on the characteristics, experiences, and development of Head Start children and families, and the characteristics of the Head Start programs and staff who serve them.
FACES 1997-2009
Five FACES cohorts were fielded from 1997 through 2009 — FACES 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009. Each cohort through 2009 includes a nationally representative sample of 3- to 4-year-old children entering Head Start for the first time in the fall of the program year. The sample also includes their families, Head Start teachers, classrooms, centers, and programs. Children are sampled from Head Start programs and centers from across the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
FACES 2014-2018
In 2011, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) redesigned the study in an effort to prioritize timely and relevant research questions, explore innovative design options, update assessment tools and measures, and better meet the data needs of the Office of Head Start for ongoing management of the Head Start program.
The newly redesigned FACES, implemented in fall 2014, features a “Core Plus” study design. The “Core” study includes regular, ongoing data collection on a set of key variables at the program, classroom, and child/family level. The “Plus” options include one-time, special studies that allow for greater flexibility to respond to new policy issues and questions in a timely manner. One of the “Plus” options launched the first AIAN FACES with a sample of children and their families, teachers, classrooms, centers, and programs selected from Region XI Head Start programs. Region XI serves children and families in Head Start programs operated by federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) tribes.
FACES 2019-2020
In 2017, a new contract was awarded continuing with the “Core Plus” design implemented in FACES 2014-2018. Data collection for the FACES CORE was fielded in fall 2019 with follow-up in spring 2020. The “Classroom + Child Outcomes Core” was launched as planned in the fall 2019 but modified in Spring 2020 in response to limitations to data collection resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Classroom + Child Outcomes Core draws data from a nationally representative sample of 3- to 4-year-old children and their families, teachers, classrooms, centers, and programs in Regions I-X. The Classroom + Child Outcomes Core also includes a second AIAN FACES with a sample of approximately 800 children and their families, teachers, classrooms, centers, and programs selected from Region XI programs. The Classroom Core draws data from a nationally representative sample of teachers, classrooms, centers, and programs in Regions I-X.
Building on FACES 2019, a related study was launched in 2021: The 2021-2022 Study of Family and Staff Well-Being in Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) Programs (the 2021-2022 Study). The motivation and goals of the 2021-2022 study came from a need to learn about how children, families, and Head Start staff were faring in the year following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The design of the 2021—2022 study drew heavily from the design of FACES 2019 but featured changes to more fully capture data on emerging policy issues and staff and family well-being in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
FACES 2019 was conducted through a contract to Mathematica. Data are archived at the Child and Family Data Archive Visit disclaimer page.
Point(s) of contact: Nina Philipsen, Alysia Blandon, and Jackie Gross.
This study is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov under the title Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES 2019) Visit disclaimer page .
Information collections related to this project have been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs under OMB #0970-0151. Related materials are available on at the FACES Information collection page on RegInfo.gov Visit disclaimer page .
The most currently approved document are accessible by clicking on the ICR Ref. No. with the most recent conclusion date. To access the information collections (E.g. interviews, surveys, protocols), click on Information Collection (IC) List. Click on View Supporting Statement and Other Documents to access other supplementary documents.