Implementation of Promoting Safe and Stable Families by Indian Tribes (PSSF)


The purpose of the Implementation of Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) by American Indian Tribes study was to examine the ways in which Indian Tribes use funds received under title IV-B, subpart 2 to provide services that strengthen families’ abilities to care for their children. This study documented the process of implementation by focusing on planning and monitoring processes, service delivery systems and resources utilized by Tribes. As context to PSSF implementation, the full range of child welfare and related human services utilized by Tribes was explored, along with the resources used to fund these services. This study provided a historical perspective on Tribal implementation of the legislation. It explored how the usage of funds had evolved and how effective the funds had been in meeting the goals of PSSF and addressing the needs of American Indian children and families.

The study had the following components to provide both breadth and depth to the analysis:

  • Review of Tribal Plans: This component of the study examined the Child and Family Services Plans (CFSPs) for information on planning, funding and services.
  • Formation of a Technical Working Group (TWG): A group of leading experts was convened to provide input and guidance into the study.
  • Case Studies: A total of 12 Tribes representing a wide array of practices in terms of service delivery, funding and resource utilization and collaborative arrangements were visited in-person.

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