2022 - 2026
Many social programs are intended to generate long-term benefits for their participants, but evaluations of those programs have historically not had access to the necessary resources to measure those outcomes over the long run—for 5, 10, or 15 years or longer. Linking administrative data to completed program evaluations is a promising and potentially low-cost means of tracking the long-term effects of policy or program interventions. This project seeks to fund the linking of one or more administrative data sets to an existing employment program evaluation, and the analysis of those data to produce briefs and journal articles for dissemination. The administrative data should offer long term measures of such outcomes as earnings, income, and/or employment, but may also include outcomes in other domains (e.g., health, education, family formation). The contractor for this work is MDRC. The project runs from September 2022 through September 2026. For information on relevant prior work for OPRE, see From Theory to Practice: Exploring Long-Term Evaluation Outcomes by Linking to Administrative Data.
Point(s) of contact: Liza Rodler