The Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Studies of Performance Measures and Adulthood Preparation Subjects (PMAPS) project was composed of two key components — one related to performance measures for PREP, and one related to adulthood preparation subjects (APS). The project served multiple purposes — to revise measures used for PREP grantee reporting of performance data; to collect, analyze, and report on performance data; to create a performance dashboard tool that supports stakeholders in monitoring data quality and performance related to the PREP programs; and, to develop APS conceptual models.
The PREP Performance Measures Study (PM) supported PREP-funded programs in developing, collecting, and reporting on meaningful performance measures that communicated the PREP programs’ mission and priorities. It analyzed data from those measures to determine if grantees and the PREP program overall met performance benchmarks, and to provide information to grantees about their performance.
The PREP Adulthood Preparation Subjects Conceptual Models Study (APS) conducted a review of PREP grantees’ APS programming, and developed conceptual models and a unifying framework that demonstrated how inclusion of APS could enhance or expand on the outcomes for youth participating in PREP programs.
Mathematica Policy Research was awarded this contract. PMAPS was a collaborative effort between OPRE and the Family and Youth Services Bureau, both within the Administration for Children and Families.
Point(s) of contact: Tia Brown and Caryn Blitz
Information collections related to this project have been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs under OMB #0970-0497. Related materials are available on at the PMAPS Information collection page on RegInfo.gov .
The most currently approved document are accessible by clicking on the ICR Ref. No. with the most recent conclusion date. To access the information collections (E.g. interviews, surveys, protocols), click on View Information Collection (IC) List. Click on View Supporting Statement and Other Documents to access other supplementary documents.