The purpose of this project is to implement an exploratory research study to better understand the challenges and context for family self-sufficiency of low-income Alaska Natives and American Indians living in urban areas and their interactions with services and programs offered by ACF. The project will design and then execute a research study to yield an understanding of how poverty and other socio-economic conditions impact the urban Indian family, and how access to ACF services and programs plays a role. It is anticipated that the research study will employ a range of research activities and methods, including field work. A Technical Working Group will be convened to assist in identifying research priorities for the study.
The study will collect information that will advance the field of knowledge about urban Indians and be useful to ACF in better understanding and meeting the needs of the urban Indian population. The ACF Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) is overseeing the project, in collaboration with the ACF Administration for Native Americans (ANA).
This work is being conducted through a contract to Westat.